Friday, August 1, 2008

'That's what friends are for ..."

Our Disposition based Term Planning for both morning and afternoon groups is to build around establishing new relationships ... with both Paul (our new fantastic teacher) and Judy, which will provide more continuity (ie LOTS of relief teachers over the past two terms).  With an appreciation for children to develop positive strategies & skills for initiating, maintaining, and enjoying trusting relationships with others  ie Trustfulness - and more intrinsically ... to be a friend.  What does it mean 'to be a friend'? and 'What exactly do friends do?'  A great discussion topic ... we would love you to ask your child and share with us any discussions you may have.  It will also sit nicely with our next term planning which will be a programme called 'All About Me' (similiar to 'Amazing Me') which is in collaboration with the NZ Police & builds onto the 'Keeping Yourself Safe' programme in Primary Schools.

We also begin Conservation Week next week and have some new 'friends' arrive ... a clue
'They are wiggly'.   I wonder what they could be?  Will keep you updated !!!