Friday, April 10, 2009


... who's footprints are these, I wonder.  You guessed it ... it must have been Easter Bunny.   We think he must have 'hopped' in while we were at Morning Group time (because his prints were still FRESH)  and with GREAT excitement we sneaked outside (as sneaky as you CAN be when you are excited) and found lots and lots and lots of Easter treats.  YUMMMMY.  And just to add more excitment 'Easter Bunny' hopped in later on in the morning, just to check if we had found all of his (or is it her) surprises.  The children were soooo excited. 

Thanks to everyone for such a wonderful & busy term.  Our term planning ... to be a friend, has had an amazing impact on the children - values of empathy, using nice words, listening to your friend, kindness - to name a few.  We would be really interested if you could spare a moment to ask your child this question ... 'What is a good friend', and could you share any comments with us.  

To all our families have a wonderful Easter (don't eat tooooo much chocolate), a safe and warm holiday break and we will see you all Mon 27 April (Term 2).  And a BIG happy schooldays to ... Casie Simpson, Cassidy Williams, Briar Irwin, Ryan Anderson & Devan Clark.

Ka kite ano

Judy & Kylie

Friday, April 3, 2009

CREATIVITY ... at it's best.

We have been absolutely captured by this amazing Art form.  We watched the mystical & every changing YouTube SandArt videos (last week) on the iMac ... and WALA Winton Kindergarten now has it's own SandArt artists.  Lots of shadowy images have been created sometimes spontaneously, sometimes with such purpose ... they have been amazing.

Can you spare a minute to help with 'End of Term' tidy-up ... the roster is located on the sign-in desk and there are still some jobs available.   And yes it is end of term ... time flies when you are having fun.  Term 2 starts Mon 27 April.