Friday, July 31, 2009

Maori Language Week - Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori

Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou Katoa.

Well Maori Language week went off with a bang at Winton Kindergarten.

We had healthy heart waiata - "Paki Paki", The Kei o Wai game, The "Haka" playing on You Tube and lets not forget the magnificent Taniwha pictures that were produced in Kekeno group.

Hoiho also practiced making faces, Taniwha faces for the boys and Pukana faces for the girls. Be sure to ask your child what they are all about, it's very very cool! What a great appreciation the children have for our native language and customs.
The bi-cultural focus will continue to become an intergral part of the Winton Kindergarten teaching curriculum. If you are unsure of some of the words that are coming home, be sure to ask Judy or Kylie. Or you can check out our Parent information board in our entrance way. This will now include a phrase and words that we are practicing within the centre. This fortnight it is...Haere Mai ke ti (come to the) whariki (mat), kai (Food) and ki waho (outside).
Until next time,
Ka Kite ano

Friday, July 24, 2009

Stars in their Eyes

The last couple of days have seen entertainers emerge among us. For quite a period of time, many of the children have boggied on down to tunes from hit artists such as Hi-5 and hmmm, let me think, what was the other one?? Oh that's right Hi-5!!
Today they took their dancing to a new level and pulled the platform around to the main 'dance floor'. I was very curious to see what they were up too so asked the girls. "It's gunna be a stage!" they replied. What an awesome idea. "Don't forget chairs for the audience", I reminded them. So off they went and sourced the chairs. Right, now they were all set to begin...
It was magical to watch as the girls sung their way through an assortment of Hi-5 hits. Check out the audience, I'm sure they are in awe!
I couldn't resist but take a video of the performers in action, I'm sure you will agree, we have some stars in the making here at Winton Kindergarten!

After discussions with all the children during mat-time, Brooklyn and Maddison shared with us that they just loooove ABBA, and BJ enjoys watching Twisted Sister on You Tube. We would love it if anybody could share with us some of their children's favourite music from home. I would love to compile a C.D. of music for the children to perform to. Who knows we even might do a concert!!

Watch this space....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Starry Starry Night ...

What a great time we had last night ... and the best of all was a clear and starry starry sky. Hats and Coats, Torches and Binoculars and away he went. We had to find some things ... the brightest star, What shape was the Moon?, Can you find the Milky Way? Wow did you know there was so much to see in the night sky? The children were soooo excited. Tks to all our 40+ families that came along ... the children have been so very very intrigued throughout the term with all the wonders of SPACE. It has been such wonderful perspective to 'bring to life' all that we have been researching. Oh yes and we just about got to see a real live Satellite ... it passed over at 6pm & then at again at 7:40pm ... but it was just a bit cloudy to the North. And that HOT Chocolate at Reds was just what we needed to warm us up !!!

Thanks for all you input into your child's learning throughout the term ... the children have been just buzzing with discussions on telescopes, Planets and today we even had a look at Google Earth on the iMac. We looked for the Frypan, the Southern Cross ... some of the things we saw last night has been sooo exciting.

Happy Schooldays to all our children moving onto school and to all our families thanks for all you have done for us over the term ... have a neat Term Break and we will see you all Mon 20 July (Term 3 2009).

Judy & Kylie