Thank you for taking the time each week to share in our teaching and learning. We utilise this communication and documentation forum to share with you, our whanau, on a weekly basis. Our Curriculum Design Group Learning Focus “Me mahi tahi tatou mō te oranga o te katoa – We should work together for the wellbeing of everyone. How this whakatauki will intentionally be considered and embedded into both our Teaching and Learning and Kawa of our day.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Maori Language Week - Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori
Friday, July 24, 2009
Stars in their Eyes
The last couple of days have seen entertainers emerge among us. For quite a period of time, many of the children have boggied on down to tunes from hit artists such as Hi-5 and hmmm, let me think, what was the other one?? Oh that's right Hi-5!!
After discussions with all the children during mat-time, Brooklyn and Maddison shared with us that they just loooove ABBA, and BJ enjoys watching Twisted Sister on You Tube. We would love it if anybody could share with us some of their children's favourite music from home. I would love to compile a C.D. of music for the children to perform to. Who knows we even might do a concert!!
Watch this space....