Friday, October 30, 2009

Totally FREAKY!!!!

Well it's that time of year once again and we all know how we just LOVE to dress up here at Winton Kindergarten, so a FREAKY FRIDAY was in order.
The children and parents were in awe as they entered our lair, full of anticipation of what awaited them!
Even 'Bones' our resident skeleton was there to greet everyone at the door!! He told us how absolutely excited he was to be apart of the celebrations!! How did you like his dress-up? He managed it all by himself...Totally freaky!!!
Judy and Kylie were blown away at all the effort that was put in by everyone!! The costumes were out of this world and we had the most freakiest morning tea we ever did see...bloodied fingers, blood spiders, worm jelly, and even the most magnificent toffee spider web. It really makes the day when we see how much work has gone into such a fun-filled occasion. And the children just love it.
The crazy blue bread turned out alright too, and what do you know...according to the children, it still tasted like bread!! Fancy that.
Bring on the next dress up day I say...We always have so much fun!!!
Kylie and Judy

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Takahe Time

Welcome Back everyone !!!
... to be Creative is our Dispositional Planning for this term, and with that we have challenged the children to create their own mosaic Takahe ... complete with mosaic habitats. We plan to enter them into the Mitre 10 Takahe Rescue Kid's Art Competition ... they look fantastic. Keep an eye out in Winton Mitre 10 - competition closes 4 Nov. We have also put a challenge out to all our families to help us with our planning this term. Do you know of any artists (and remember The Arts are huge) that you could ask to come into Kindy this term and show the children their talents? Could be stone carving, card making/scrap booking, weaving etc. Please let Kylie, Judy or Courtney know. Would love to get lots o& lots of local entities into Kindy.

Keep looking at your Parent Pockets there are lots & lots of updates at the mo; T-Shirts orders are coming in thick & fast - orders close 21 Oct. Kindy Photos now 2 Nov.

Have a great week.

Judy, Kylie & Courtney