Wow!! What a wonderful day had by all!! We must thank our wonderful committee, in particular Emma Campbell who done most of the organising to make the event a success.
The morning children trundled over to the hall to excercise their hearts, and excercise them they did...Balancing, ball throwing, jumping and we can't forget commando crawling under the parachute. A big thanks to Madison who demonstrated how to commando crawl in front of EVERYBODY!! Wow Maddi, you are showing us how confident you can be!! Well done :)
After all that excercise, Linda Harris from the heart foundation presented the award to Winton Kindergarten and Madison and Jake, our two oldest attendees accepted on our behalf (keep an eye out in the local paper for the photo).
Then for the highlght of the morning trip...our walk to 'Subway', and we sure had earnt it. What a wonderful bunch of children we have, they were so patient and done an awesome job choosing their fillings and using their manners. We were so proud!
Then, we got to do it all over again for the afternoon session. It is so cool to be able to venture out of the kindergarten once in a while and we send out a BIG thanks to all our parent helpers for the day. Without you guys, trips and excursions would not be possible and they provide such wonderful learning oppurtunities for your children.
And a big thanks to the children for excercising their hearts!! Then it was back to Kindergarten for a shared afternoon tea...YUM!! We had some very creative food bought along, well done.
The wonders of technology even enabled us to watch all the photos of the day on the big screen!! How cool is that!!
Thanks again everybody, everyone had such an awesome time!\
Kylie and Judy.