What a fabulous night among the stars!! Mother Nature did her absolute best to ensure we had a clear night sky filled will stars and of course that bright moon!! A big thanks to Karaan, Sam Dunn's dad who managed to find the moon in the telescope to share with the children. My goodness it was big...but it wasn't a circle, I wonder where the other half got to??
Children arrived with Mums, Dads, Grandma's and Grandad's all dressed up in their winter woollies...some were even in their P.J.'s all ready to jump into bed when they got back home.
I think the highlight of the night was being able to run around in the dark with torches. I'm sure many of you have many great memories of doing that as a child!!
Takahe group performed "The Seven Fishes of Matariki" to the crowd and were able to show off those AMAZING masks they created earlier in the term!! Then we finished off with our newly learnt song 'Kapo Kapo nga Whetu' (Twinkle, twinkle little star) with both our morning & afternoon groups.
We ventured across the road to warm up with a hot chocolate, marshmallows and chocolate brownie (made with care by the morning kindy kids earlier in the day). A big thanks to Sebastion, Nancy and Jane (Middle Pub) for hosting us and keeping us warm!!
And thanks to all our families who have helped us celebrate Matariki in style...Can't wait for next year!!
Also keep a look out for this weeks publication of 'The Eye'. Mary Witsy our local journalist popped into Kindy last week for a photo shoot with all our 'Matariki' happenings ...
Kylie, Judy & Ginny