Friday, July 31, 2015

Term 3 Week 2

This week we welcome Jae Bryce Basungit, Latana Harimate-Wairau and Lilly Strawbrigde-Payn to the TF Group.
Welcome Lilly

Welcome Jae Bryce

Zack welcomes his friend Latana to the TF Group
Kindy Photos by Megan Graham Photography:
MTW Group had their group photo and individuals taken on Wednesday.
TF Group will be this coming week, on Thursday the 6th of August. Please be at Kindy before 9:30am for the Group photo, many thanks.

Forest Kindy
It was great to back at the Reserve this week with five new faces in the group. Our experts showed the new members around the area, visiting some of the iconic features within the forest before heading to the stream. Thanks to our helpers this week. Lhenlhen, Jacqline, and Anita.

Polyfest Art Awards this weekend!!
The Polyfest Art Awards are on this Sunday - please do join us if you can! Invites went out in Parent Pockets last week- SIT CentreStage @ 2pm...See you there!!

FYI - No weekly newsletter this week as Judy and Sally both away...Have a great weekend everyone...fingers crossed for the Polyfest Awards Ceremony on Sunday, do join us if you are free:)

Friday, July 24, 2015

Term 3 Week 1

Kia Ora and welcome back to the new term. We have a number of new children with us this week...Emily Newell joined the MTW Group, and Thomas Turrell, Cooper McDowall, Flynn Harland, Olivia Kemp, Tyler Mansell, and Latana Harimate-Wairau join the TF Group...A warm welcome.





POLYFEST ART: Embrace Your Identity - The Nurturedness of Nests
Ka pai to mahi great work families...Invites went out this week for the Polyfest Art Awards to be held on the 2nd of August at 2pm at SIT Centre Stage - please RSVP as we would love to have as many children representing Kindy as possible (we received an email confirmation that our Nest would be on display at the Southland Museum and Art Gallery!!). What an amazing accolade for the efforts put in last term.
Our nest being set up for judging

Our documentation that sits alongside our Polyfest Art journey

Our MTW Group will be representing Kindy on Wednesday the 26th of August @ 11:45am @ Stadium Southland - mark this date on your calenders!! The children are busily working on their waiata/songs, actions, drumming, and poi. The Discovery Time Group (10 oldest children) have been learning about tipare/headbands and kowhaiwhai patterns/significant designs this week. We have watched a number of Polyfest Groups perform on DVD to gather ideas and visions for this this space! Sally handed out the lyrics to our four waiata for families to practice at home...songs can be googled for music or bring in your USB and we can copy these for you.
Keeping the beat - Angus and Callum

The girls practicing the poi this week

Learning about tipare/headbands

Reproducing kowhaiwhai patterns on our tipare

Discovery Time in action

Robbie with his mountain and koru patterns

Please note that Kindy Group Photos will be on Wednesday and Thursday next week.

Have a great weekend :)