Friday, May 27, 2016

Term 2 Week 4

Click on the link below for our Weekly Newsletter:
Weekly Newsletter Week 4

A warm welcome to Sophie Mitchell, joining our TF Group this week. Farewell to Lily te Heuheu and family, moving to the North Island, and Lochlan Davidson and family moving also. Happy School Days to Olivia Anderson, heading to Lochiel School.

Welcome Sophie

Polyfest  T-Shirt Design Competition
Thanks to our families for their Polyfest T-Shirt Design Competition entries..These are being delivered to the judges today - watch this space!

Polyfest on stage Performance @ Stadium Southland next Term.
We have started to introduce this year's waiata/songs to the Discovery Time Group...And props for our performance are in production!
KapaHaka attire - this year it is our hope to purchase a full set for our children to proudly represent our Kindy and community, and are seeking sponsorship to cover the costs for these. If you, or someone you know would like to become a sponsor, please speak to one of the teaching team - many thanks.

Polyfest Art: Waka Project
This week the Pirate Ship pieces were introduced into the environment to provoke conversation around our Waka Project...Wow!! Role play, creativity, nautical knowledge, and endless possibilities for imagination to unfold!

Paige and crew entralled with the Pirate Ship

Aye Aye Captain Izin!

Lower the Anchor Me Heaty!! Arrrrh!

Pouroa, Olivia, Eva and Liam drifting out to Sea

Cook Ava, and crew Jae Bryce, Thomas and Jonty setting sail!

On Thursday we fare welled Judy and wished her well on her African Holiday...Have a wonderful time Judy...see you at the end of the term!

Ava and Olivia decorated the Banana cake with their art 

Forest Kindy
A fabulous morning...the sun shining on a fresh start to the day! Extra layers - especially on hands and feet were needed as we made our way through the forest. The majority of the morning was spent lazing beside the stream at the "bed bridge", making fishing rods and hooks, and discovering new huts and homes in the Reserve.

Cross Country at St Thomas School.
The MTW Group will be participating in this year's Cross Country on Tuesday the 31st May at 1:20pm. We set up our own Challenge Course to practice...lots of in, over and under!

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Friday, May 20, 2016

Term 2 Week 3

Click below to read the Head Teachers Report following our Parent Group meeting on Wed ...
Head Teachers Report - 18 May 2016

Click below to read our Weekly Newsletter - 20 May 2016
Weekly Newsletter - 20 May 2016

Welcome Jacob
Hi Georgia!
A warm welcome to Georgia Wylie and Jacob Beer.  Farewell to Lochlan Davidson

Polyfest T-Shirts and Waka Art Project
Thanks to families for returning their T-Shirt Competition entries, we have until next Friday, the 27th, to collate these.

Sharing ideas and thoughts

Family Portraits to inspire our Polyfest Art journey
Discovery Time waka depictions 
Information and templates regarding our Art Project went out today for the TF Group and will be available to our MTW Group on Monday. You may have noticed the Discovery Time children have been working on ideas around "navigation" and "journey", sourcing images and ideas for waka, and creating family portraits - yes we are indeed a very busy bunch of learners! Please take the time at the end of the day to 'check out' our efforts - we LOVE to share with our families all that we are up to at Kindy.

We are also on the look out for a wooden waka/boat frame to up cycle as part of our whole Kindy Polyfest Art Entry. Please send us an email if you have something suitable.

This year we would LOVE to purchase a set of KapaHaka Uniforms for our on stage performance at Stadium Southland and are looking into options. At this stage, with the high cost of purchasing a set, we are exploring the idea of local sponsorship. If you are keen to help us out, or have a suggestion, please let one of the teaching team know. Many Thanks.

Forest Kindy
This week we welcomed FOUR new faces to the group... Olivia Anderson navigated our way through the forest to the Hillary Street entrance, where we learned about WHO Ivy Russell was and her role in the community, and WHY this special place has been named after her. This term we are actively seeking out avenues to discover who we are and our place in the natural world around us - our social and ecological identity.
The Title Page for our Forest Kindy Journals
On return to Kindy, the group created their own Forest Kindy Journals during Discovery Time in the Project Room. Our vision is to add new ideas and learnings each week, and share our discoveries through our art and creative this space!

Liam's Bird House
Liam patiently waiting and watching for the birds to arrive...
At the beginning of the year we participated in the annual Winton Autumn Flower Show. Liam Ankerson was awarded a special prize for his bird house entry. Unfortunately, the strength of our glue did not match the weight of his masterpiece...until this week! Liam worked tirelessly to reinvent his bird house, which now proudly swings from the silver birch tree beside the fort...filled with bird seeds to invite the natural world into our special place! Ka pai to mahi, great work Liam!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Term 2 Week 2

Click on the link below to view our weekly newsletter ...

Weekly Newsletter - Fri 13 May 2016

Happy School Days to Sam Tengco, Spencer White, Lochlain Young and Zephrin Latchford...Ka kite friends, enjoy your new adventure at school!

A warm welcome to new friends in our TF Group this week: Ashar Sinclair and Kadin-Jade White.
Hi Ella!

Welcome Ashar
Kia ora Tyrone

Hi there Kaydin!
Kia Ora Rose!

Welcome Campbell
We hope all our hunting families enjoyed a successful Opening Weekend for Duck Shooting. A fabulous day on Monday with our second Camo Dress-Up Day and shared morning tea. Cass, Judy's chocolate Lab was a real hit...well done to Greta Hartley for being SOOO BRAVE and overcoming her fear of dogs...Check out the pics - by the end of the morning Greta was patting Cass and drawing pictures of the fun she had sitting with Cass for morning tea.

Welcome Pouroa! Getting camo painted for duck shooting!

Spencer and Flynn calling in the ducks

Lucas C...we can hardly see you!

Leo looking ready for some action!

Greta giving Cass a pat on Monday

Forest Kindy
We started our Nurtured By Nature Programme for Term 2 this week, with three new families joining the programme. The Reserve has had a lot of work since our last Forest Kindy day. The streams have been de-sludged and the line of flax along the the boundary line removed. It is a great idea to familiarise yourself and your child with this special place prior to starting our Programme.
We made the most of the earthworks by making our own mudslide. Spencer's Dad, Ben, made us a fabulous swing in at the Kindy Castle, and Sam shared some home baking with us - delicious!

This week information regarding our Polyfest 2016 journey was shared with families.
Our first focus is the T-Shirt design competition. Templates for families to use were attached to the Polyfest information - please check your Parent Pocket if you are yet to receive this, or speak to one of the teaching team. We look forward to seeing how creative families can be in incorporating this year's theme "Navigate your journey". Please bring back your designs for us to enter into the competition...

Friday, May 6, 2016

Term 2 Week 1

A warm welcome back to Term 2 2016. We hope everyone enjoyed the break. Also, a special welcome to our new families who have started with us this term: Pouroa Tonga (MTW Group), Campbell Williamson, Rose Maguire, Ella Everett & Tyrone Bradin-Sparks (TF Group).

Mothers Day 2016
Happy Mothers Day to all our amazing Mothers and Grandmothers, we hope you enjoy an extra special day!

Duck Shooting Opening Weekend
Thanks to families who dressed up today, we look forward to doing it all again on Monday! This week the children have enjoyed role-playing hunters, using Krystle's (student) nook as a maimai, along with the huge camo nets on the fort.  We've replicated a pond complete with life like ducks (decoys) and Judy's faithful duck dog Cass came in to Kindy for a visit - plenty of provocation to excite and entice the next generation of hunter-gatherers... Good luck to all our avid hunters - have a safe and enjoyable Opening Weekend!