To tatou pūngāwerewere ataahua
(Our beautiful spider)Last Friday the Kindy tamariki were lucky enough to spot a rare find alongside the Limehills students. A beautiful BIG spider hiding under a piece of wood around our Kindy fire. This find has sparked a lot of interest and curiosity as the tamariki have been provoked to ask questions about our spider. For example; "What type of Spider is it?" "What does it eat" "What does its web look like?" "Is our spider a boy or a girl?" After much discussion we thought it would be a kind idea to create a bigger habitat (a new word we have learnt) for our spider.
A big thank-you to our discovery time and the other children who showed an interest and helped to create a new habitat for our spider (with the addition of flies). Lets hope our spider likes it!!
We have also been exploring the spider in other areas of Kindy throughout the week. These include art, clay, videos (including Charlotte's Web), and the tamariki have even been out searching for other insects including slugs!! It has been awesome to see the children continuing to strengthen their Ecological Identity as they develop their knowledge of nature and what lives in it.
The kaiako can't wait to continue building on this learning with you all next week!!
Pink Ribbon Day
A big thank-you to all of our families who contributed to our Pink Ribbon Day on Monday!! The children had a wonderful time dressing up in pink, getting pink nails and pink face-paint. Sitting at the grand table was also a special occasion (thanks to Christina's creative eye) as we pretended we were all Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses and Knights under the pink and white netting and pom poms!!
This experience gave our children the opportunity to come together and support their community as we donated and showed our support for women with Breast Cancer. We raised over $90.00 over the two Pink Ribbon Day's, thank you all so much for your generosity.
Nature Discovery
This week our leaders were Holly and Isla alongside their Dads. Thank-you to Bert and Anton for constructing a rope course for the tamariki to balance on!! They loved this new challenge!!
This week the children also explored stories amongst the trees as they searched for the BIG LONELY WOLF. It is great to see and hear the children exploring stories and their imaginations in all areas of the Kindy programme.
Who knew stories lived at Ivy Russell Reserve?
Thank-you for another fabulous week!!
Your Winton Kindy Teaching Team,
Judy, Christina and Elle.