Friday, October 18, 2019

Term 4 Week 1

Haere Mai - hoki mai te hoki -Welcome Back 

Welcome to Term 4 & a BIG welcome to our new tamariki:  Alex Wylie, Maci Wilson (they tell us you have a new baby brother Maci. Welcome to our world - Cooper Wilson), Phoebe Koro, Lincoln Ashbrook & Mereana Archbold.

Environment Southland Community Awards

In the term break we also attended the Gala Dinner & awards ceremony @ Ascot Park Hotel Tue Oct 8th. The award recognises & rewards ecological achievements throughout our local community. Again it has been a wonderful opportunity to share our mahi & ecological identity with our wider community. A special mention was our personal invitation to Duncan (Taiao Tuhura bus driver) who proudly attended.  A highlight for Duncan & the children is the weekly return bus trip to Kindy from Ivy Russell Reserve, a special bond indeed.  Glengarry Kindergarten were also finalist in the Environment Action in Education criteria - so a wonderful representation by Kindergartens South.     A congratulations to Woodlands School who won the Environment Action in Education award.  They have spent the last eight years creating an outdoor learning area that will be enjoyed by many students in the years to come. We as a finalist were gifted a $100 voucher from Diacks Nursery.

Get Well Soon Antonia ... 

Antonia won't be with us this term after falling from a climbing wall in the Term Break. This pic is after stabishing surgery so Antonia is still awaiting the real 'Mccoy'. From Jomae 'Oh no'.  It is indeed Jomae.  An update ... Antonia had surgery in Dunedin yesterday. She has upgraded from a 'Star Wars' prototype to a 'Snow Boot'. We all send our 'Speedy Recovery' thoughts to Antonia.   

To provide some wonderful continuity we've got Rachel Evans & Bridget Robinson relieving. Another casulty in the Term Break was Sophie Excell who is in a full leg cast but is zipping round in a very trendy yellow wheelchair.  Onwards & upwards to you too Soph.

Admin Support

We've appointed Heather Cruichshank (some of you might know Heather from all her years @ Paper Plus & indeed an ex Admin Support here) as our new Admin Support.  We are just awaiting Police vetting before Heather starts & we've also welcomed Leticia Frew this week as Teacher Aid.  Leticia will be with us Wed/Thu morning each week this term.

RWC (Rugby World Cup) Fanzone

It's quarter finals time & with all the unexpectedness in Japan (Typhoon Hagibis, Brave Blossoms outstanding wins in Pool play) it's starting to get exciting.  AB's take on Ireland this weekend. Thanks Arlo & Beau for helping Judy make our AB sign.  We must send it through to the All Blacks FB Supporters page.

Performing Arts

  We are off to the Civic Theatre on Monday to partake in the Patch Theatre Companys (all the way from Wellington) - Mr McGee & the Biting Flea.  This Pamela Allen (author) adaptation is filled with quirky characters & stories & when something so amazing is @ our back door ... we cannot NOT attend.

Kindy Photos

A BIG thanks to Megan - MG Photography.  Pics are now up on our FB page.  Click on the URL link to view & purchase - p/w kindy.

Frankenstein Edward Art Space 

Located at 214 Great North Road Winton.  We thought this would be a wonderful way to share/display our children's artwork locally.  Opening 17 Nov - Winton Open Day.

All About Me - Taku Ahuatanga Whanui

This term we introduce our 'All About Me' programme. A programme around  'Keeping Ourselves Safe' which links so candidly to our Early Childhood Curriculum  -  Te Whāriki. It includes introducing strategies & skills to keep ourselves safe & its essence is based around the UN Rights of Children. Childen have a right to our protection. Children have the right to feel good about themselves.  Children have the right to feel safe et al.

Taiao Tuhura

We welcomed to the group this week Olivia Moss, Hunter Elder, Kaylee Scobie & Sophie Excell  complete with her very own mobility pram - where there's a will there's a way.  Sophie spent the morning in her pram with the help of others - wonderful inclusiveness everyone. The newbies were treated to some very distinctive playscapes - the Wishing Rock, Dragons Den & Monster Track. It was also an opportunity to introduce our new tamariki to our famous Taki Waka along with 'finding' our local maunga - Takitimu Mountain range!  They are so majestic!!!

Lots on this Term so keep checking both our FB page (Winton Kindergarten Closed Group) & our Kindy BLOG. 

The Teaching Team