Thursday, August 13, 2009

A walking we did go...a planting we will do!

What an adventure!!
With the arrival and assembly of our new vegetable plots Judy and I thought we had better source some seeds. excursion was on the agenda.
We talked about what we might plant in the garden
Oh yea...and beans! I wonder if we can grow a beanstalk?
Then off we went, it's was so awesome to see everyone keeping themselves super safe, especially when we crossed the roads!! Well done everybody.
The fish were definitely the highlight of the trip and many of the children congregated around the pond. How many were there again?? Probably not as many now as there was when we arrived :) oops!
Guess what we will be busy doing for the next few weeks with all our seeds, seedlings, fertiliser, and dirt. And how cool, Sharon the Garden Centre owner donated some Lily bulbs for the Kindy too.
Can't wait!

1 comment:

Acacia said...

Acacia liked sitting in the gazebo