Rainbows have become the topic of conversation amongst many of the children over the past week. I must agree they are such an amazing phenomenon.
As part of our planning "Where can we find", Takahe group was asked to draw a picture of something they wanted to find out about. Liberty Jesperson wanted to know more about Rainbows. So the questioning begun...
While discussing what we already know about rainbows we had some really great suggestions...Skyla thought there had to be a storm for a rainbow to form, Ella Leith thought it had something to do with the sun, which quickly prompted Hunter to tell us that there had to be water and sun at the same time. How right you are Hunter...until we began to test that theory!!
Shianne, Hunter and Ella Robertson spotted a rainbow on the project room floor...Yes there was sun, but there was no rain!! How did it get there???? They tried to pick it up, but they couldn't, and when Cameron stood at the computer it was gone!! Did anyone think to check Cameron's back :)
Then when all the children had gone on Tuesday...there was a HUGE rainbow shining on the floor out to the back room!!! But when the children came back in the morning, it was gone!?!? When we discussed this with the children, they were full of ideas about 'why' this could be. Here are Sarah's thoughts, "The sun
gets too tired making rainbows all the time so it needed to go for a sleep". Interesting Sarah.

I think we need to do some more experimenting....What is a rainbow, how is it formed and where do they come from?
We have discussed lots about 'Light'...maybe that is the clue.
We look forward to hearing the facts about rainbows next week. I wonder if we will solve some of the mysteries of the Rainbow........
Also if you manage to find a rainbow at your house, take a photo and email it through. We would love to see them.
(Apologies for the video quality, but it gives you an idea of how the children have been exploring the rainbow phenomenon)
Thanks to everyone for being such fabulous explorers this week,
Kylie and Judy!
I wonder if the afternoon children would be interested in rainbows too...??
Zak just asked me to tell you! Rainbows come from... "The sun hits the rainbow,then the rainbow hits the glass, then it hits the floor or anywhere, but the light has to bend it"
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