Friday, September 17, 2010

We have been busy!!! Take a look....

What a busy past couple of weeks we have had here at Winton Kindergarten!!
We began with Maroon Friday for the morning group and a dress up day in the afternoon group with both days raising funds for the Red Cross Canterbury Earthquake appeal. Maroon Friday also worked in conjunction with the Rugby Southland initiative as they are asking all Southlanders to dig out their Maroon every Friday while the Stags hold the Ranfurly shield. Well done to Emma McCallum and Cameron Scully who remembered again today :) .
A big thanks to ALL who contributed to the Earthquake appeal, Winton Kindergarten collectively raised $76.60 - Fantastic!! Mother nature can be so unpredictable at times and I'm sure it has made everyone more aware of what they need to do to get their homes and families more prepared in case mother nature decides we need a bit of a shake up. We have talked lots about 'Turtle Safe' and finding a doorway or table to take cover under. We also have regular earthquake drills too. Talking about this at home will further ensure your children know exactly what to do in case of an emergency.
A big thank-you to the 6 parents who came along to help at the working bee last weekend. Our parent group organises these for us and they will occur once a term to ensure our grounds are presented to a high standard. Many hands make light work as they say so the more people we could get coming along to these would be fantastic. Keep an eye out on the notice board for the next one.
Yesterday the Morning children were invited to see the production of 'Snow White' at Limehills school. The senior school students were the stars of the show and to say our kindergarten children were mesmerised would be an understatement!! What a lot of time and effort put into such an event and were felt very privileged to be able to get a private viewing!! The children were also lucky enough to get to chat with the stars of the show afterwards and check out the set while they got their photo taken up on the stage. I'm sure there were LOTS of stories being told about Snow White over the dinner table last night. I wonder if anyone had Subway for tea.....???

Our Celebration of Learning evening was held last night too. What a great success this was once again. It's great to see so many Mums and Dads interested in what's happening at Winton Kindergarten. Both Judy and I are excited as our work in the 'Special Focus Kindergartens' continues to progress and we really appreciate your input into your children's education. I have posted a couple of the clips that we talked about last night on the BLOG too for anyone who missed them. Also if you haven't already received one, for the people that came along there is a chocolate frog waiting for you in the office :) See Kylie!!
Something Daryl, our Parent Group president thought after listening to Johan and Joyce speak was getting our parents to sponsor our very own stoat trap. How cool would that be, getting regular updates as we found out how many stoats and rats our trap had eradicated. Food for thought!!
We also discussed the differences between 20th century education and 21st century education and my goodness what a difference. Technology use on both schools and kindergartens has increased remarkably in the last 10yrs which is proving to be very beneficial for our children. If you have any questions from the evening, feel free to ask
Again, thanks all for coming, and we can't wait for the next one!!
Like I said we have been busy!!
Till next week,
Ka kite ano
Kylie and Judy

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