Thursday, March 31, 2011

Do you know that we can 'Skype' now???

Yep, that's right!! The children of Winton Kindergarten have discovered SKYPE...and found out it is really very very cool!! Judy and I have discussed how we could introduce SKYPE to the children as it has been difficult finding someone willing to SKYPE us ... someone who the children would recognise and respond to. Soooo....Kylie bought her computer from home and set it up in the Project Room for the Discovery Time children.
We had a discussion about what Skype was and if anyone had used it at home? Carlin was quick to share that he had Skyped his Dad, awesome Carlin!! Then came the question 'Who were we going to Skype?' We thought we could Skype the other children. Then another question ' What will we talk about?' So we thought of some questions ....

Sam Robson wanted to know..."What do you do when we are in Discovery Time?"
Beth asked..."What have you been doing outside?"
Blair posed a question..."What are you doing on the computer?"

With our questions prepared, we were all set to begin SKYPING.
Judy called the children in to sit around the big Mac computer and they seemed unsure of what was happening.
How many people use Skype at their house? We would be interested to know ... scroll down to 'Comments' and leave us a message. Soon (after only a few technical hitches) the computer began ringing!! Judy answered the call and the children were able to see their friends in Discovery Time, on the computer...How cool is that!! Technology just continues to amaze us!!
We found the children became very excited about the prospect of being able to talk to their peers in a different room...and the fact that we didn't have to shout and they could still hear us!!
I sent a message out to families in the hope that we would be able to SKYPE somebody at home and Katrina's 'Rain' (otherwise known as Nana) took up the challenge...Thanks so much for sharing your Rain with us Katrina...She was very cool. Again we got to ask her some questions.
Where does she live? - Auckland
How was the weather up there? - Rainy and cold (quite nice to hear on the beautiful sunny Southland day that we were having)
And she was even able to show us around her garden...Awesome!!
We would love to continue our Skype journey and wonder if anyone else would like to have a friendly chat with the awesome children at Winton Kindergarten. Let us know and we can arrange it with you...Maybe we could even manage to Skype further a another country even, now that would be pretty impressive!!

Check out all the pics in the above post (good old technical glitch again and it won't let me post slideshow in here)

That's us for now,
Kylie and Judy!!


Kate said...

Josh & Sam have a breakfast date with their Belle & Poppa (aka Nana & Grandad) just about every morning. They live in Wanaka and it's a great way for the boys to stay in touch with them and see them everyday. We skyped this afternoon to show Belle & Poppa the new bunks. We love Skyping and it's exciting that the Kindy kids are learning about it.

Em & Stew said...

What about skyping some of the kids at Winton school who have moved on from Kindy?
We are going to the UK in July, would be happy to try skyping you from there. Archie, Katy & Callum skype their grandparents in the UK every Wednesday night. It is an amazing way to keep in touch with family & friends far afield.