Another HOT AND SUNNY week here in Winton, it is great to be able to make the most of these nice days! A BIG REMINDER that all children need a hat with them and sunscreen applied before Kindy each day - we will reapply where necessary later in the day.
Our programme this term is focusing on Friendships, something we want to incorporate into our 'Proud of Me' Box. PARENTS/WHANAU: Please share those special moments at home where your child shows dispositions of friendships/proud of me moments with us by leaving a personalised message for your child in the Box above the sign-in desk. These are read out on a Wednesday afternoon. TF GROUP: We will now start sharing Proud of Me moments at end of day mat time on Fridays.
Our new friend Logan Wallace checks out the caterpillars |
Have you noticed the transformation taking place this week??? Nearly all of our caterpillars are now tucked up in their chrysalis and we wait in anticipation for them to emerge...the countdown is on!!
Ruby and Portia-May painting caterpillars |
This week we started our entries for the Winton Autumn Flower show with children making leaf imprints on clay in the project room with Sally, clay caterpillars outside with Linda, and melting vinyl records in the sun to mold in to the shape of flowers. We will continue with these projects over the next 2 weeks in the built up for the show. PARENTS/WHANAU: We will be looking for parent help on Wednesday the 13th in the afternoon to take entries down to the hall with some of the children - can you help?
On Wednesday the children had a fabulous time in their togs under the snake sprinkler - what better way to end the week!
Remember "Library Day" on Wednesday afternoons. Each child has a blue reading bag that they should bring with them every Wednesday to return previous week's books and to select 2 new books for the following week. This is a neat way for children to practice their literacy skills and learn about respecting the property of others.
On Thursday the children worked together to put up the dome tent. We have been overhearing lots of stories and imaginary play around camping and holidays - having our own tent set up has been a wonderful revisit for many of the children.
Charlie T taking time out to eat morning tea in the tent |
Today Judy worked alongside the children making egg carton caterpillars. Sally and the children sculpted clay caterpillars outside. These creations will be collected and entered in the Winton Autumn Flower Show coming up in a couple weeks. PARENTS/WHANAU: Mark Friday the 15th of February on your calendars, we will be taking the children along to the Flower Show - this requires LOTS of parent help on the day please for ratio requirements. Let Christina know if you are able to come along!
We have a short week next week with Waitangi Day on Wednesday - NO Kindergarten that day.
The children have enjoyed eating outside on the big parachute all week |
Week 4 is the Heart Foundation Appeal week running from the 11-18 of February. We will be having shared red morning teas for both groups - more information to follow next week.