Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 4 Term 1

The butterfly house Georgia and crew worked on and entered in the flower show
On Monday we welcomed back Georgia McMaster. Georgia returns to Winton for her third year teacher training. Georgia will be with us for a two week posting, followed by every Monday, and another block posting half way through the year. We look forward to supporting Georgia in her final year of study and seeing what wonderful ideas she has to share. Already this week Georgia has worked alongside a group of children in the Project room making a "Butterfly House" for the Monarch Butterflies which we then entered in the Winton Autumn Flower Show!

The Butterflies!
Monday morning we were greeted by Monarch Butterflies!! We found two had emerged from their chrysallis and were able to observe three more come out during the day. The children now have an intrinsic understanding about the life cycle of the butterfly having experienced each stage alongside the butterflies, nurturing them, protecting them, and building anticipation as we waited and waited for them to transform from caterpillars into beautiful butterflies!

Winton Autumn Flower Show
The clay caterpillars Linda and the children created - also entered into the flower show!
This week we have been very busy finalising our entries for the Winton Autumn Flower Show. You will have noticed the beautiful butterfly display Sally prepared to showcase the children's creations, as well as the leaf impressions, record flowers, clay caterpillars, and egg carton caterpillars. Thank you to those who helped taking entries down on Wednesday (Kay Teviotdale!!)  and our volunteers who came along on Friday to see the Show with the children - 17 parent helpers awesome turnout thanks!! I hope our MTW Group were able to pop in with family to see their work on display within the community  - such a feeling of affirmation and pride having your creations acknowledged!

Our "Moths" and Clay Caterpillars on display at the Show
Heart Foundation Appeal Week
"Wear RED for Healthy Hearts!" MTW Group
This week we also participated in "Wear Red for Healthy Hearts" on Wednesday and Thursday. Everyone looked amazing dressed in bright reds, some even showed off their creative side putting a lot of thought into their costumes!! The Kindergarten was set up with a range of red experiences, such as red lego; as well as acknowledging the importance of taking care of our hearts with lots of heart pumping games for the children to partake in! Our shared morning teas were a hit with lots of HEALTHY food choices for the children - thank you! We raised $$$$$ for the Heart Foundation - tu meke awesome!

TF Group celebrating "Wear Red for Healthy Hearts" on Valentine's Days

Welcome to Amelia Phillips and family joining us this week

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