Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 9 Term 1

This week we have continued with our sea life projects as the children are still enthralled about everything to do with under the ocean. In the Project Room Sally has been working on a story book with illustrations that the children also narrated, as well as making three-dimensional sea creatures that are hanging in front of our mural. Linda introduced the screen printing and the children experienced different art forms while creating beautiful creations that have now gone on display along with the mural/collage on the back wall.
Sienna Breen's Easter Egg masterpiece for display next week!

We are busy making decorations for our Easter Celebrations coming up next week. Invites went out on Wednesday for the MTW Group for our Mad Hatters Tea Party and Alice in Wonderland themed dress up day to be held on Wednesday the 27th of March at Kindergarten. Sally put up the permission sheet on Thursday for our TF Group to head along to Ivy Russell Reserve for a Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday 28th of March! Lots of Parent Help required for ratios please.

Mad Hatters Tea Party Invitations

Reminder no Kindergarten next Friday 29th March (Good Friday) and Monday 1st April (Easter Monday).

Happy School Days to Millie Scott and Charlie Forde!

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