Friday, November 29, 2013

Term 4 Week 7

This week we said Happy School Days to Annabelle Chrystall off to Lochiel School.

Amazing Me Programme:
MTW Group:
Constable Marty from the New Zealand Police visited on Monday to talk to the group about keeping our selves safe; road safety; and what to do if we got lost. Dante dressed as a policeman and Natalie role played a girl lost at The Warehouse. Marty was very impressed with so many children knowing their first and family name, where they live, and their phone number - tu meke/awesome! Marty doesn't go far without his guitar and we learnt and sang the "Make it Click!" seat belt safety song.
Constable Marty and Larry the Lion talk the the Group about the NZ Police uniform

Road crossing: Stop. Look. Listen. And Decide
TF Group:
Unfortunately Constable Marty was called to an emergency on Friday so was unable to join us as planned, however we had a fabulous time visiting the Winton Fire Station organised by Oliver Keith's Mum, Ashlee - thank you very much, and a big thanks to the parents and grandparents who helped out on the day! Stu the volunteer firefighter showed us around the station...We even got to climb inside the fire truck and try on the helmets ---SOOO much fun!! Stu talked to the group about what to do in an emergency, who to ring, and what details the operator would need to know. We even had two women firefighters ... so girls you may like to think about a new career path? As we were leaving Stu put the sirens on - a grand farewell!
The Winton Volunteer Firefighters showing the Group their uniform and safety gear
Olivia Chrystall you were so brave! Trying on the new helmets before climbing into the Fire engine
Discovery Time:
This week the group were exploring the human skeleton. We traced around the outside of our bodies and looked through text books, felt our bodies for "hard places that must have bones",  and at our 'Bones' to learn more about our skeletal structure and what is on the inside that we can't see ... research in action!!!  Wow another busy week ... has come & gone.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Term 4 Week 6

This week we have been making the most of the sun - lots of fun and friendships being formed and cemented as children engage more with the outdoor environment. The Elastics were a hit with the children making up their own games complete with a starting Marshall, judges, and competitors!! The swing ball set continues to entice children and is stimulating hand-eye co-ordination and timing!! With the roof over the sandpit providing great shade combined with water play, there has been lots of imaginary play in this area. As well as Duck Duck Goose which has become a ritual each day in both the MTW Group and the TF Group with the children initiating this themself!
Henry crossing the Elastics with Miah and Paige judging and supporters looking on!!

Casey, Olivia and her Mum trying out the swing ball this morning

Our trip to Invercargill was a huge success and we are already looking forward to attending again next year! After the Capital E Production of "Seasons", Queens Park was our next stop for lunch. Linking to our Amazing Me Programme we decided to have lunch at the castle...As we have been looking into "Where people live"...For many children this was their first time at the castle - very exciting!!

Caitlyn Hunt looking down from her Castle at Queens Park on Tuesday

A warm welcome to Natalie Russell.

Enjoy another sunny weekend...See you Monday.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Term 4 Week 4/5

In Week 4 we fare welled Jessica Irwin, Albie Reed and Jaxon Bates, and Week 5 Sophie Spedding....Happy School Days. We also welcome some new faces to the Winton Kindy family...Ayden Davis, Ben Robson, Rowan Barrie, Caitlyn Hunt, and Kate Pulley!

New Student:
We welcome 1st Year Student Erin Wilson to Winton Kindergarten. Erin joins us for a 3 week block posting. The children have spent the week introducing Erin to their routines and environment.
Welcome to Erin Wilson our student

Amazing Me:
On Monday 4th November we had a visit from Jo and Amby from St Johns. Fittingly we had a fire drill in the afternoon.
Jo and Amby from St John's come to visit
In Week 5 we watched DVD 3 - looking into family dynamics, our addresses and phone numbers, and knowing how to/being confident in seeking help from others and sharing how we feel. We have been looking at where people live - different places and types of housing. Our Amazing Me programme makes links with the horrific typhoon in the Philippines as we went over this extreme natural disaster with the children; further adding to our growing understanding of the world around us and what happens when we lose our home/possessions . We have watched YouTube clips of this extreme tragedy with the children during the week, as well as sourced texts on natural disasters and examined the globe - some children have mentioned seeing the same images on their TV at home - has your family talked about this at home?? Our thoughts go out to our strong Filipino community.

Nurtured By Nature:
Linda went along with the group this week as well as new faces Jacqlynn Logan and Paige Ankerson! Last week Cohen Davis joined the Forest Kindy kids ... New group dynamics!
Welcome to Forest Kindy Jacqlynn, Paige and Cohen!

Thanks to everyone who packed their sun hats and applied sunscreen before kindy this week - we have been making the most of the sun being out - long may it last!!
Miah, Freddie and Tristin playing swing ball in the sandpit this week

Friday, November 1, 2013

Term 4 Week 3

A nice short week this week with Labour Day on Monday.

Amazing Me Programme:
This week we watched DVD 2 of the Amazing Me series and covered:
- Learning rules to help keep themselves safe
- Encouraging children to ask for help from adults
- Learning own phone numbers, address, and the emergency number 111
In our environment this week we have had the dolls house and family members featured more prominently on the puzzle table to entice the children to engage in family play, and have continued with cutting and gluing the human body.
Oliver Keith with one of his MANY human body creations!

Welcome Ella Henry. Working alongside cousin Miah Short at the art table on their human body cut outs.

Amelia Young playing and learning at the dolls house with her brother

Nurtured By Nature Programme:
This week we took out our new Compasses and discussed some foundational orienteering skills. The group navigated their way to the "N" "North" end of the park and found that the Thomas the Tank engine mailbox symbolised the north end, and then made their way to the "S" "South" end where the path leads into the heart of the bush! A big thank you to Jo Hart and Janine Chrystall our Parent Helpers this week.
Kenny and Cedric deciding which way is North on the compass

Albie climbs the tree to reach the Kowhai pods for the group

TF Group: The group enjoyed having their faces painted yesterday with pumpkins and the moon and today with the cold weather we had lantern face-like toasties to warm us up - these went down a treat!
Quilan stops for a photo with his painted face before morning tea yesterday!

We welcome Ella Henry to our TF Group this week. A big farewell to Noewen Tejada and family who are moving out of the district, best wishes for your new adventure.