Amazing Me Programme:
This week we watched DVD 2 of the Amazing Me series and covered:
- Learning rules to help keep themselves safe
- Encouraging children to ask for help from adults
- Learning own phone numbers, address, and the emergency number 111
In our environment this week we have had the dolls house and family members featured more prominently on the puzzle table to entice the children to engage in family play, and have continued with cutting and gluing the human body.
Oliver Keith with one of his MANY human body creations! |
Welcome Ella Henry. Working alongside cousin Miah Short at the art table on their human body cut outs. |
Amelia Young playing and learning at the dolls house with her brother |
Nurtured By Nature Programme:
This week we took out our new Compasses and discussed some foundational orienteering skills. The group navigated their way to the "N" "North" end of the park and found that the Thomas the Tank engine mailbox symbolised the north end, and then made their way to the "S" "South" end where the path leads into the heart of the bush! A big thank you to Jo Hart and Janine Chrystall our Parent Helpers this week.
Kenny and Cedric deciding which way is North on the compass |
Albie climbs the tree to reach the Kowhai pods for the group |
TF Group: The group enjoyed having their faces painted yesterday with pumpkins and the moon and today with the cold weather we had lantern face-like toasties to warm us up - these went down a treat!
Quilan stops for a photo with his painted face before morning tea yesterday! |
We welcome Ella Henry to our TF Group this week. A big farewell to Noewen Tejada and family who are moving out of the district, best wishes for your new adventure.
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