Friday, January 24, 2014

Term 1 Week 1 2014

A warm welcome back to all our children and families, and a big welcome to our new children who have joined us this week: Ava Chapman, Riley Scobie, Eden Pilkington, Jodi Graham, and Harley Rhodes.

We hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas and have enjoyed their not-so-Summery Break! We still have lots of families away making the most of their time together before school starts for older siblings, and for the children with us at Kindy it has been a nice time to catch up with friends! At Morning Meeting on Tuesday everyone in the group shared what they did in the holidays - which brought up the  lots on ideas about "What is a Holiday?". At the end of our meeting Caitlyn's Mum brought in the ten snails they had collected from their garden - thanks for sharing the children have loved viewing these through the magnifying glass on the light box over the week. The sun joined us on today and so too did the face paint - a nice way to end our first week back!

Welcome Harley

Welcome Eden

Welcome Riley

Welcome Ava

Welcome Jodi

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