Friday, March 21, 2014

Term 1 Week 9

St Patricks Day Monday the 17th March
Wow, what fun we had on Monday celebrating all things Irish! The face paint was out, tap shoes on - and lots of green children trying out their Irish dancing skills!
Imitating the River Dance on St Patricks Day!

Alex, Ayden and Casey with their Swords - they are NOT sticks!!

Welcome Addison Campbell

Welcome Thea Barnes

Welcome Maddison Dodds - giving Rupert a gentle pat - thank you!

Forest Kindy
This week we had a visit from Pam Wilson, our Senior Teacher from Head Office and a surprise visit from the Southland Times! We couldn't have asked for a better day after hearing the heavy rain that fell through the night then been greeted by a beautiful sunny morning - perfect! A BIG thank you to our Parent Helpers Tracey Adendorff and Alice Menzies. We also had our new whistles handed out this week. The children have these attached to their zippers and we discussed using these for emergencies only. Coincidentally Milly and myself managed to "get lost" shortly after introducing the whistles! The group noticed we weren't there and set off around the reserve in search for us! Thankfully once they got in closer proximity they could hear Milly blowing her whistle and eventfully we were found! It was a timely reminder to reiterate the importance of staying with the group, communication, and what we do if we are lost.

"Not a Stick" by Antoinette Portis
Today at end of day Mat Time Judy read the story "Not a Stick". You may have noticed LOTS of "non-stick" imaginary play this week, stemming from the Forest Kindy Kids making swords to fend off Dragons a couple of weeks back. The TF Group have had a great time fighting dragons and using their "non-sticks" in many many role play experiences this week. We also have a mai mai under construction under the bridge where these "non-sticks" have been used as fishing rods and duck shooting - yes that time is almost upon us once again!

Discovery Time/Polyfest
Our Dragon/Taniwha is at the design stage - take a look in the Project Room and share any thoughts you may have with us!

Happy School Days to Cohen Davis off to Winton School. Welcome to new children: Maddison Dodds, Addison Campbell and Thea Barnes who have joined our TF Group this week, and Zia Williams who started today.

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