Friday, May 30, 2014

Term 2 Week 4

Wow, what a fabulous Pink Ribbon Breakfast we had today to show our support for the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation and to celebrate Queens Birthday and the children's fascination with the Kingdom of Far Far Away. A BIG thank you to everyone who donated to the cause...we have raised $278.50 and counting!! Our Pink Ribbon Host Page "Winton Kindergarten"  will continue to operate all next week for anyone who would like to contribute - thank you so much!! Also, special mention to Julie and Eden Pilkington, coming in today with a beautiful cake and then staying and helping with the morning, decorating cup cakes with the children; as well as to everyone else who helped out in making the day such a success!
Tissue paper flowers and our beautiful cake made by Julie 

The children waiting for the Pink Ribbon Royal Feast to begin!

What a fabulous day, a big thank you from Your Teaching Team: Sally, Judy and Christina

Shila admires our resident Dragon... James Shaw took out Most Creative Costume!!!

What a great day to start Kindy King Lachie Forde

Thank you for all your donations to the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation

Making fond Kindy memories

Addison, Jasmin, Ionah, Maddison, George and Laura looking very Pink and very Royal with their  crowns

We plan to hold a similar event on Wednesday with the MTW Group; as on Tuesday we will have 10 children away at Forest Kindy:

Pink Ribbon Breakfast – New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
On Wednesday we are hosting our own Pink Ribbon Breakfast to show our support for the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation. In conjunction with Queens Birthday and to celebrate the children’s fascination in swords, dragons, Knights, Kings and Queens, and the Kingdom of Far Far Away; we plan to have a royal feast. This week the children had the opportunity to create their own crown to wear on our special day.

PLEASE dress in PINK and/or ROYAL fashion – we love seeing how creative our families can be! We will provide a PINK themed morning tea and warmly invite all our families to join in on the fun. Donations to the cause can be made on the day at Kindy or by going to our own Pink Ribbon Breakfast Host Page, thank you for your support!

We welcome Kayden Percy to the MTW Group this week, along with Ionah Aragon, Sasha Begg, Ryan McKenzie and Lachie Forde to the TF Group. We farewell Max Heckler off to St Thomas School, Quilan Bielski off to Takitimu School, and Olivia Chystall who moves to Longbush Kindergarten.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pink Ribbon Breakfast Please Support

Thank you for visiting the Winton Kindergarten fundraising page. We are taking part in Pink Ribbon Breakfast this year to raise money for The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation. 

Seven women a day are diagnosed with breast cancer in New Zealand. This year the money raised from our breakfast will be used to fund vital research projects and medical grants to help improve the survivorship of breast cancer in New Zealand.

Please consider making a donation today by clicking on the above link. We cannot do this alone but with your help we can make a difference.

Thanks, Winton Kindergarten

Friday, May 23, 2014

Term 2 Week 3

Forest Kindy
Mark Oster from Environment Southland came to visit the group this week and what an inspiration he was, the tamariki plagued him with questions, he was such an animated and interesting guest sharing his vast knowledge of animals, insects and plant life.

Polyfest T-Shirt Design Competition - Well done to all those creative children and families who put sooo much time, effort, and thought into their designs, they look amazing!!

Movie Night  - See you in your PJs TONIGHT!!! Kindy looks amazing, a big thanks to the Parent Group and children for the creation of the stalls and putting the night together for all to enjoy!
Alex with the flower she made for the Movie Stall for tonight

Emma making her "Movie Treats" poster during Discovery Time this week - check it out on the Stall tonight!!

Welcome to George Howard and family joining the TF Group this week.
George and friend Laura join in with the music session this morning 

Junior Cross Country on Wednesday 28th - MTW Group:

Junior Cross Country
The Winton Kindergarten children have again been invited to attend this year’s Junior Cross Country to be held at St Thomas School in conjunction with St Thomas School and Winton School.
Things to bring: water bottle, sensible walking/running shoes, warm clothes including jacket and hat, a change of clothes, and sense of fun!!
We would love to have you join us.  We require 8 parents/caregivers to help (NB ratio of 1 adult to 4 children).  As “Parent Helpers” you will be required to supervise a group, so no younger siblings please – PLEASE NOTE: younger siblings are more than welcome to come and support; with no extra children other than own to be allocated to these parents.  We also require permission for your child to come along. Please sign the permission form located on the sign in table, Thanks!
11:30am children: Families are more than welcome to bring their child along to St Thomas School to compete – see you there. 
When:   Wed 28th May 2014
Where:  St Thomas School, Great North Road Winton
Time:     Gather at Kindy by 1pm to walk down to School, due back at Kindy 2:25pm approx

Friday, May 16, 2014

Term 2 Week 2

This week we fare welled Elena Gwynn on Monday - thanks for sharing the female Stick Insect you found at home with us at Monday Morning Meeting; and Milly Watkinson, Miley Coveney, and Dante Wharf on Wednesday...Happy School Days!!

Forest Kindy:
Welcome to our five new Forest Kindy kids this week: Megan Bailey, Joshua Short, Tara Hamilton, Drew Anderson-Kereti and Leah Langford! Thank you to Paula Kincaid and Robbie Watkinson for being our Parent Helpers this week. The group found LOTS of mud this week - a great initiation for our newbies! Drew shouted, "This is the best day ever!!" as she jumped in the mud, what a great day in the bush had by all! We celebrated Milly's 5th birthday with sausages on the camp stove for morning tea, thanks Robbie. We checked on the Dragon's Nest and the five "oldies" showed the five newbies what to do when we here the dragons flying overhead - lots of leadership and role modeling taking place this week! We had a visit from Pam Wilson our Senior Teacher while at the Reserve, and Sally Dobbie joined us for lunch.
Leah Langford on her first day at the Reserve with the group - all mud and smiles!!

Alex, Emma, Tara, Sienna, Max, Milly, Leah, Megan, Joshua and Drew - thumbs up for Forest Kindy!!

Robbie cooking sausages for morning tea - delicious!!

Polyfest T-Shirt Competition:
This week we handed out notices and templates for our amazingly creative families to come up with their own designs for this year's Polyfest T-Shirt Competition. The entries will be collated and entered, with the winning design being used for the support staff at this year's Polyfest Performances held next term - wow, what an honour!! Great to hear of families researching different designs and their meanings, check out the display of some of last year's entries at Kindy for inspiration. Please return to Christina by Friday 23rd May, thanks and good luck!!

Going Bananas
The TF Group arrived this week to a HUGE box of bananas. On Thursday the group peeled, sliced and blended to make our own delicious banana smoothies for morning tea. Today we added milo for a yummy choc-banana treat - lots of positive feedback from our young critics: "This is so goooood!"

Addison, Megan, Thea, Jaimee, Jasmin, Laura, Alex and Robbie peeling and slicing the bananas

Friday, May 9, 2014

Term 2 Week 1

Welcome back to Term 2 2014. We hope everyone had a fabulous Easter and enjoyed the break. The children have come back to Kindy with many stories about what they and their families have got up to in the holidays - I'm glad the Easter Bunny was about to find those who were away from home at the time!!

We warmly welcome Rebecca Jones to the teaching team this term. Rebecca is with us on MTW, and at Drummond on a TF.

At Monday Morning Meeting we talked about Anzac Day and the children shared their experiences and knowledge, with some having attended services during the break. We watched a YouTube Clip on Anzac Day and shared Anzac books at Story Time in the afternoon.

In the sandpit we have constructed our own maimai complete with branches and camo net to disguise ourselves while watching the ducks/decoys on the pond. Again there have been a few tales about adventures had over Opening Weekend -  we hope everyone had a successful start to duck shooting!
Elsie Turrell, James Shaw and Casey Laffey in the maimai, waiting patiently for the ducks to fly in

We welcome new faces to Kindergarten this term: Ferguson Hammond, Ethan Warren, Robbie Batt, James Shaw, Jaimee Chen, and Jovi Chavez.
Kia ora Ferguson Hammond

Welcome James Shaw

A warm welcome to Jovi Chavez and family

Jaimee Chen testing out her balance on the plank - welcome to Kindy!

Welcome Ethan Warren

Hi Robbie Batt! Welcome to Kindy :)