Friday, May 23, 2014

Term 2 Week 3

Forest Kindy
Mark Oster from Environment Southland came to visit the group this week and what an inspiration he was, the tamariki plagued him with questions, he was such an animated and interesting guest sharing his vast knowledge of animals, insects and plant life.

Polyfest T-Shirt Design Competition - Well done to all those creative children and families who put sooo much time, effort, and thought into their designs, they look amazing!!

Movie Night  - See you in your PJs TONIGHT!!! Kindy looks amazing, a big thanks to the Parent Group and children for the creation of the stalls and putting the night together for all to enjoy!
Alex with the flower she made for the Movie Stall for tonight

Emma making her "Movie Treats" poster during Discovery Time this week - check it out on the Stall tonight!!

Welcome to George Howard and family joining the TF Group this week.
George and friend Laura join in with the music session this morning 

Junior Cross Country on Wednesday 28th - MTW Group:

Junior Cross Country
The Winton Kindergarten children have again been invited to attend this year’s Junior Cross Country to be held at St Thomas School in conjunction with St Thomas School and Winton School.
Things to bring: water bottle, sensible walking/running shoes, warm clothes including jacket and hat, a change of clothes, and sense of fun!!
We would love to have you join us.  We require 8 parents/caregivers to help (NB ratio of 1 adult to 4 children).  As “Parent Helpers” you will be required to supervise a group, so no younger siblings please – PLEASE NOTE: younger siblings are more than welcome to come and support; with no extra children other than own to be allocated to these parents.  We also require permission for your child to come along. Please sign the permission form located on the sign in table, Thanks!
11:30am children: Families are more than welcome to bring their child along to St Thomas School to compete – see you there. 
When:   Wed 28th May 2014
Where:  St Thomas School, Great North Road Winton
Time:     Gather at Kindy by 1pm to walk down to School, due back at Kindy 2:25pm approx

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