Friday, June 20, 2014

Term 2 Week 7

Matariki/Maori New Year Celebrations - Today and Monday 23rd June
The children came in to Kindy this morning to find we were immersed in darkness,, except for a few twinkly stars around the place - wow, what was happening today!?! We have had a fabulous day celebrating the Maori New Year, including articulating "New Beginnings" with the potting of beans to take home and nurture - please share with us some pics as your bean grows!

Matariki/Pleiades/Seven Sisters Constellation
This constellation is visible each year only in late May early June, best viewed pre-dawn to be found close to the Southern Cross.  It represents the Māori New Year and signifies the end of the harvest season culminating in sharing, learning, feasting/hākari and festivity.  It also coincides with the celebration of Winter Solstice (in the Southern Hemisphere), representing the shortest day in the year.
Jake Harland with his Matariki Stars

Ethan Warren having his face painted this morning as part of our celebrations

Oreti River Trip
On Tuesday we had a wonderful time down at the Oreti sliding down the gravel pit, throwing stones (and a gumboot) in the river, and collecting taonga/treasures for our Polyfest Art - we can't wait to see everyones footprint next week, due in by Wednesday 25th please. A big thank you to our many many helpers on the day, making this trip possible - the children had sooo much fun and were just buzzing all day!

Porter Wright and Oliver Davis... gravel pits, water, and BIG BIG machines = boy heaven!!

Craig Reed with Joshua Short and Freddie and Walter 

Kate Pulley and her Grandad sorting and selecting stones for the footprint

Kamryn Sinclair and Co. seeing how far they can throw the stones

Oliver Keith with Mum Ashlee, and Kamryn having the best day!

Polyfest Art
The Door project is coming along well, with the Discovery Time children adding their touch making koru patterns for the Oreti, using the stones from the Oreti - sooo meaningful!
The koru patterns made by the Discovery Time children on Tuesday afternoon

They also decided to relocate the paua to the sky instead of the sun - great decision making skills!


Unknown said...

Wow, Christina another great blog. We love, love, love how the door is coming along. Tuesday I've heard from Ava and from many parents of the parents that went along was a great morning. Thank you to all involved who helped make the field trip happen, Ava had a great time! Keep up the great work everyone.

Jenny said...

Love the photos, thanks for a great well organised trip to the river.

Unknown said...

Awesome Pics from the river! Was a fun morning. Door project is coming along well.

ashanddan said...

Great fun!! The smiles and laughter of the kids coming down the gravel pits was gorgeous - Thanks Winton Kindergarten for allowing Kids to be Kids - and even me :)