Friday, November 18, 2016


Click here to view our weekly newsletter: Thur 17 Nov

Our thoughts are with all the children and families affected by this week's earthquakes and aftershocks around New Zealand...We have watched a number of YouTube News clips and shared many korero and discussion around what has been happening, what we have seen on our TVs, and how we feel about what is happening to children and families just like us! On Wednesday Sarah, Jeremy's Mum baked with the children...didn't Kindy smell delicious at the end of our day?!? 
Our baking - and kindness - was passed onto the Church next door and is currently making its way to Cheviot...Just another way we are fostering our sense of identity within the wider community - and nation, and building a sense of contribution during this difficult and tragic time - "thinking of others" is our mantra. Kia Kaha.  
And this also serves as a timely reminder on the importance on having a "Safe Place" for your family and an Emergency Kit - we'd love to see some pics of what our Kindy families have in their BeReady Kits! At Forest Kindy this week the children discussed where our safe places are in an earthquake - "Away from the trees - we don't want to be squashed!" Raiden shared. And back at Kindy we have had our Earthquake Drills to remind us all how to keep our self safe - Drop Cover Hold - and where our safe place is - out at the back fence/gate beside the Church carpark.

A warm welcome to Owen and family.

"A ROUND" Winton Art Display at the Winton Library.
Ross and Raewyn from the Winton Library have warmly invited us to enter 5 pieces of art in their display for the Winton Open Day. With the intrigue and provocation of the potters wheel, we have purchased lots of old Vinyl Records to upcycle with our "spin-art". Alice Pulley and Evelyn were the first to try out our art medium - and their excitement drew the attention of the group...everyone is eagerly awaiting their turn to showcase their individual artist flair on the potters wheel - I wonder how we will decide on just 5 to enter - something for the group to ponder over?!?!?!

From Italy to Winton. Judy's visit to one of the Art exhibitions in Reggio Emilia Italy (in the Term Break) had as a centre piece a tree ... based around a Project on ecological identity.  We've introduced a provocation this week as a continuance from our propagation interest with all the New World  'Little Gardens'from the start of ther term & as an awareness of our own Ecological Identity.  What does that mean?  What helps trees to stay upright - even in an earthquake?!?

Forest Kindy
Jimmy and Grandad Joe took us to the Winton Map where we worked together to locate Raiden's house and Winton Kindy...And then later in the morning we searched for the Takitimu Mountains so that we could all see what direction our friend Max at Mount Linton Station...Our Amazing Me Programme continuing out at the Reserve -with the transfer of knowledge and real-life experiences only further deepening nag tamariki understandings. :)

1 comment:

Winton Kindergarten said...

I'm not sure if you all realise how empathetically connnected all your children are. We have indeed shared MANY heart warming anecdotes this week over our recent earthquakes ... Tumeke to Mahi!
From the Teaching Team