Friday, October 19, 2018

Term 4 Week 1

Nui mai, haere mai. Welcome back everyone! We hope you all had time to have some rest & relaxation over the term break.

We kicked off Term 4 with an intriguing provocation bought in from Archie.  While we gathered around for our Monday Morning Hui, Archie shared what he had discovered while out on his farm - a blue eggshell!  Or was it an eggshell? Maybe it was a dinosaur egg? I wonder ... it's clear, more research is needed!

Winton Garden Club - Spring Flower Show
During our hui Jo, from WGC, arrived to deliver nga tamariki with something AMAZING! A TROPHY for best overall art entry & 1st place for our group project "Where the Tui Birds Gone? Can the Tui & Pukeko be friends?" What a neat ecogift idea to also be awarded with Pea & Carrot seeds and Calendula & Sunflower seeds! Let's get gardening!

Let's Investigate!
During Te Wanaga time nga tamariki investigated the eggshell through a magnifying glass in hope for some clues to find out who or how is it made.

"I think it could be a Weka's egg" Ivy said
"I think it's a baby chick because it came from Archie's farm" Bailley said.
"There's something black in the could be a spider" Skylar & Ivy decided.
"The egg transforms into a bird!" Ebony said.
"I saw a hole in the shell, maybe from a kiwi" Jussi & Taylor shared.
"A blackbird can lay a blue egg ... really!!" Hunter exclaimed.

Well Hunter ... let's Google to do some research. We discovered photos of Blackbirds with blue eggs. YES!! We had the answer! A Blackbird can lay a blue egg!! After noticing 'things' in the photos ...  more questions arose, "Is that the same size egg as Archie's egg...and the same shade of blue?" Oh no, maybe we didn't have the answer! "Who decides what colour the egg is going to be?" Judy asked. With our brains working overtime a group decision had been decided, "A 'Bluebird' makes a blue egg!" We decided to leave our korero/discussion there and for nga tamariki to share their investigation at home - "Does a 'Bluebird make a blue egg!?"

"Does a Bluebird Make a Blue Egg?"
Marley & Hunter shared that a "Blackbird DOES make a blue egg!!" Hunter & Marley needed some more proof for the rest of nga tamariki to believe them.  We found some awesome Youtube clips of a Blackbird laying blue eggs, a time lapse of them hatching & then Mum Blackbird feeding her chicks. Tumeke tamariki, great investigating!

What's in the Bag!?
Our awesome mahi - recycling paper & cardboard throughout 2017-18 was recognised by 'Paper4Trees - Carbon Reduction Programme' and awarded us with none other than our most famous tree at kindy - the Kowhai Tree!  Actually 7 Kowhai trees.  Now where can we plant them so they can grow tall and help feed the Tui!

The Art of Storytelling
This was an interesting provocation for our finest storytellers at kindy using 'sequencing pictures'.  As nga tamariki progressed from one picture to the next, this prompted a visual cue as to what would could possibly happen next, keeping creative storytellers on their toes... 'the Tui birds were out flying when suddenly a bat appeared!'
                                Stop at the lightbox next time you're in and share 'your story' with us!

On Friday Finn, Sophie, Lacey Evie & Kaylee from our "Explorers Group" (Thurs/Fri Group) collaborated together for some storytelling.  Finn added to the story that the bat "ate a bird" while the Tui were out flying.  The Tui were feeling scared so they flew "to a tree, for a rest" Sophie & Lacey suggested.  Next, there were,"stones, heaps of stones" Evie shared, "they got away!" Phew!

Winton Library
A warm welcome back to Carmel from Winton Library.   Carmel shared some beautiful stories with our Explorers Group (fortnightly - on a Thur arvo).  and Carmel shared, not only stories but some movement & music to finish off our Wa Korero (story time).  Tks Carmel!

Ella Shares Her Photos
On Friday Ella shared her photos that her Dad, Shane, took of a Kea & Weka with the Explorers Group.  Our tamariki wanted to take a closer look and make sure the photo & Kea puzzle appeared the same...'Hang on where's the orange feathers on the Kea in the photo?' 'Oh you can find those colours underneath the Kea's wings, when s/he is flying!' Great observation skills everyone!

Spring Is In The Air!
Judy's beautiful white Tulips have been a point of conversation this week.  Alex shared his concerns for the Tulips, "The Tulips feel sad!" We thought of a way to cheer the Tulips up - Let's singing to them. Other provocations included Sophie, Lacey & Evie - smelling the blooms. Sophie decided, "They smell like peaches!"  What a simple provocation to create dialogue between friends, while taking an appreciation for our flowers & their natural beauty.
                                                              Noticing the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Monday is Labour Day so no kindy, we'll see you all back on Tuesday.  Taiao Tuhura (Forest Kindy) starts on Tuesday.  Have a fabulous long weekend!

The Teaching Team

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