Tuia 250 Encounters
Weaving people together for a shared future. The Tuia - Encounters 250 national commemoration celebrates Aotearoa NZ Pacific voyaging heritage & acknowledges the first onshore encounters between Maori & Pakeha in 1769-70.
The Tuia 250 Voyage has taken place from Oct to Dec, affording the opportunity for the public to enjoy the journey by experiencing the vessels on-board when they land. Crews were offering family-friendly opportunities to learn about Pacific, Maori & European sailing & navigating traditions through interactive activities, displays, star domes, guest speakers, roadshow trucks & more.
I (Christina) had an amzing experience on board the HMS Endeavour Replica 26-30 Nov voyaging, from Picton around the Marlborough Sounds, up the Kapiti Coast, across to Palliser Bay & then into Wellington Harbour for a very special flotilla welcome. My time on board involved being a part of a Watch Group, working shifts all hours of the day & night to ensure the smooth sailing of the Endeavour. Furling the masts, working the lines, helming the ship & climbing aloft were all in a days work before settling down to a hammock @ night. A once in a life time opportunity that I feel immensely privilege to have partake in. I have come home for a found appreciation for the struggle & strength it takes to learn new skills, to be a part of a team, & most importantly how crucial it is to work together to achieve anything.
It's that time of the year - incubation is over & new life is on the way. Thanks Isla for sharing/showing your 8 day old chicks with us. We shared LOTS of authentic questions ... Where's the Mum? What do they eat? How do feathers get colour? Who decides what colour the feathers will be? Isla showed us how to delicately hold/handle the chicks & more importantly how to care for them. Tks for sharing your eco-kindness with us all Isla!
Amazing Me
Our last video & the end of our 'Keeping Ourselves Safe' programme. Video five shared the concept of turn-taking with a catchy tune 'Your turn, my turn ... your turn mine'. It continues to be a great programme of eco-self & awareness. Thanks to all our families for your contributions - what's that saying 'one only gets out what one puts in'. Self portraits were ALL very cool, some of the children are NOW very familiar with their addresses & contact numbers & we all have a more familiar appreciation of what it means to be apart of a family (that sock family & song were very very cool). The DVD is available to anyone who would like to share/recap @ home, don't hesitate to ask any of the Teaching Team.
Hohoho ... Santa visit
The gift of giving ... we have been ultimately VERY busy in the Project Room over the last few weeks. Each year we create our very own personalised 'naturalistic' Xmas decorations ... & this year is NO exception.
Giving is a HUGE concept for our 'littlest humans' - Giving NOT receiving (a pyschological & complex but important part of social interaction - helping to define & enrich relationships & strenghten bonds with family & friends). This we shared with a very busy Santa!
Santa Visit ...
A tks to Santa for taking time out in his BUSY schedule to pop in on Wednesday. Thus year we popped all the pics onto our FaceBook - Winton Kindy Closed Group. Tks Santa!!!
Whanau Night
A night to come-together & share our accolades along with sharing Kai. Tks to our tireless Parent Group as we continue the tradition of hosting over 80+ plus @ our Xmas night last Thur.
Kindy closes for the year on Thursday 19 December. Our Term clean this Term with cleaning company OCS is the carpets - so if you could lend a hand to shift the furniture off the carpets & onto the lino that would be awesome!
We re-open for Term 1 ... Monday 20 January 2020.
Bring on some sun-filled hazy days of Summer. Chillaxing & sharing time with family.