Friday, November 15, 2019

TERM 4 WEEK 4 & 5


All About Me - Taku Ahuatanga Whanui

This term we've introduced 'Keeping Ourselves Safe' programme. It includes introducing strategies & skills in keeping oursevles safe from harm.   It sits & fits well with the UN Convention of the Rights of Children ... Childen have a right to our protection. Children have the right to feel good about themselves.  Children have the right to feel safe.

Week 4/5  - Te Whariki (NZ Early Childhood (ECE) Curriculum) - Strand Wellbeing
Throughout the video's and prompts, and reflections focused around the first video 'Wellbeing' the tamariki have strengthened their knowledge of there own body and how to keep themselves safe through washing, naming body parts and dressing themselves

Evie shared how she got lost in the supermarket once and how she asked for help  "Can you help me?"
Michaela shared that you can shout "Help!!" if you lose Mum or Dad.

Week 5 - Te Whariki - Strand Contribution
This video shares about different families & living environments and encourages children to think about the people who live in their house. It also discusses emotions and the importance of scaring how you are feeling "I'm Scared!" and calling out for help when it's needed.

Kaylee's thoughts 'Wow ... she has seven people at her house'
Olivia's thoughts  "Help, I'm scared ... when she is feeling that way'.
Maci's thoughts 'She tells her Mum when she is feeling scared'.

Next week - Curriculum Strand Belonging.  Where do we live?  Who lives in our community?  What's an emergency?  What's our emergency num

Limehills School Pet Day

Monday 4 Nov 2019 - These wonderful encounters not only embody our Southland tradition of mixing & mingling, of show & sharing but also provide an opportunity to acquaint ourselves with & within various local school culture.  Tks for inviting us along Limehills School.


Thanks to Toni Mills for facilitating the creation of our wreath named “Turangawaewae”.  Our wreath represents us as a community of learners and our sense of belonging to this place. Our tamariki, matua and kaiako have collected branches, and leaves on walks through our iconic Ivy Russell Reserve and from around our Kindergarten. To further cement our connection with Winton Kindy tamariki from the past as well as the present we have included some of our beautifully created Christmas decorations from years past including 2016, 2017, 2018. Keep an eye out in the Memorial Hall on Sunday @ the Winton Open  for our entry.


Our Taiao Tuhura continues its 'naturalistic' pathway through the sociocultural context of relationships.  Relationships with others, with our local Reserve, with family and with Kaitiaki values.
We celebrated Jack Johnstone's final Forest Kindy by showcasing Ivy Russell Reserve to his Grandad Bruce - aka Fishing in the stream! Jack and his family have kindly donated a fishing net/bug catcher. We will certainly think of our friend Jack when we go fishing on a Tuesday! Thank you for the delicious morning tea shared beside the stream Jack! And with Jack's departure we welcomed Hunter Wylie to the band of eco-warrioirs.


Tks to all our whanau who were able to come along on Tue night.  Keep looking out on our FB page for Xmas highlights - 6 Dec for our Xmas Extravangza & before the end of term a visit from 'the Man in Red'.

Winton Open day ...

Sunday 17 Nov 2019 ... here's hoping the weather Gods are aligned.  Enjoy a great day out!


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