Taiao Tuhura
Our Forest Kindy "Girl Gang" welcomed Hayley into the group with morning, along with welcoming Hannah Sim from Environment Southland. Stream studies = clarity testing (the long tube)/pH testing/velocity (time/distance for green ball to travel down stream)/ searching for streamlife and learning to care for our waterways. Clare enjoyed her final day, our fabulous Co-Leader alongside Ella. Blaire shared her marshallows so that we could toast them on her Dad's camp cooker - yummy smores for everyone!And Bus Driver Duncan suprised us with laminated cut outs from our newspaper articles!
This week the tamariki have been building their knowledge of Matariki and the iwa Matariki Stars, through a 3 minute auditory story for each whetu (star). These purakau (stories/legends) share the names and special jobs each whetu has in caring for world, capturing us all as we lay on the floor, closed our eyes and used our imaginations.
As we reflected after each purakau the tamariki built a better understanding of their special job as well, "To be kaitiaki" - thanks Clare!! Keep up the great work tamariki!!
Matariki Stars
Rhonda Hall and Jenny Butler from Winton Floral Art joined us on Tuesday to share their 'Master' art skills - creating whetu/stars with the tamariki. The tamariki farewelled our guest with one of our favourite waiata at Kindy - 'Tutira mai nga iwi'How awesome to have our Winton Community continuing to support us and getting involved with our Kindy Whanau!
Mihi Koe Rhonda and Jenny!!
This week our weaving evolved through the guidance of our Whea (teacher). The tamariki sure are enjoying working with the harakeke!! Drawn to our weaving sessions by its colour, smell, texture and versatility.This week we learnt more kupu (words) surrounding harakeke; one of these was whenu - meaning a strand of harakeke that makes up the whariki/or design intended.
Our Whaea Elysia shared with us how all of us have a whakapapa and how the harakeke plant is a whanau. With the inner fronds in the centre being the pepe (babies) then the matua (parents) and the outer leaves being the Tipuna (grandparents) - these are the fronds which are cut.
While kaiako and tamariki were weaving the tamariki were invited to an impromptu kapa haka practice lead by Whaea Elysia. It was great to see everyone joining in and gaining some new kupu (words) and actions like whiri (the shaking of hands). Tino Pai!!
This years Polyfest Art Project sure has had some great contributions from our whanau as they join in by adding whenu, sharing their weaving talents and encourage their tamaiti (child) to contribute. Please don't be shy!! It takes a whole community to create ataahua and meaningful projects like these, we love having our whanau contribute to these learning pathways!! And how fitting with the significance of harakeke!!
Our SVA joined our harakeke journey once again on Thursday, what fabulous mahi they have done creating this beautiful whariki - another element to join our art piece.
Bread Tags
Our bread tag journey continues to grow as more are added by our whanau and kaiako! Remember to save them and pop them in the jars so we can contribute to this amazing recycling group 'Bread Tags for Wheelchairs' who create seedling trays in a plastic molding company, Zibo in South Africa with the bread tags. The money raised pays for wheelchairs for the less fortunate which are purchased through a local pharmacy.Over the term break our wonderful Parent Group are reviving our playground by distrubuting a truck load of bark chips! They are on the look out for as many helpers as they can get so if you are available to help they are meeting at Kindy on 7th July at 10am. Bring a spade, a wheelbarrow and smile!! Please let Bex Excell (Parent Group President) know if you are able to make it.

This will be the last blog of the Term 2. We have soo many exciting events and visitors next term as we come up to the Murihiku Polyfest Art entry due Friday 2nd August, our performance on Tuesday 27th August, judging for the Prime Ministers Excellence in Teaching and Learning by Helen May and Wendy Lee on Tuesday 30th July and filming day on the 6th August
Enjoy the last week of Term 2!! Stay warm!
Aroha Nui, the Winton Kindy Team