Friday, September 6, 2019


Prime Minister's Education Excellence Awards Gala Ceremony 2019 - Parliament, Wellington.

On Tuesday the 10th of Sept and Wednesday the 12th of Sept, the teaching team Judy, Antonia, Elle and Christina, along with Nikki McRobie (Southland Kindergartens Association General Manager), Pam Wilson (Retired Senior Teacher/General Manager SKA), Megan Graham (ex-Teacher Support) and Rachel Evans (Taiao Tuhura Teacher) are being flown to Wellington to attend the Prime Minister's Education Excellence Awards Gala at Parliament.

The Awards Ceremony will be screening live for everyone to tune in!

We look forward to celebrating with all our fellow Finalists from around Aotearoa New Zealand, across the early childhood, primary and secondary education platform!

This means we will have 3 relief teachers at Kindy on both Tuesday and Wednesday. Both Linda and Bridget are familiar with the environment having relieved here many times before, and we welcome Jenny to our learning community.

Please be sure to introduce yourself and your child to the teachers, and to support them in their role during their time at Winton Kindy, thank you.

Relief Teacher Bridget Robinson
Relief Teacher Linda Eade
Relief Teacher Jenny Wisely
Beehive - where the ceremony will be held

Budding Entomologists

The Stick Insect found by our Taiao Tuhura tamariki has caused much interest from all of our kaitiaki here at Kindy!
Once the insect was carefully transported back to Kindy the tamariki came up with a plan on how they would keep it safe and happy in captivity. With much discussion they decided some sticks, soil, bark and leaves would create a great ecosystem for our new friend. 
Throughout the week the tamariki have been able to get close and personal with "Sticky" handling it and spending lots of time looking at it through the terrarium. 
Each day new questions have been asked, research done, and discoveries made. Some of our wonderings include:
"What do they eat?"
"Where are its eyes?"
"How does it drink?"
"What birds like to eat them?"

Wow this insect sure is making us inquire!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Your Winton Kindy Teaching Team

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