Friday, July 3, 2020

Term 2 Weeks 9&10

Wow, how are we half way through the year already. It feels like we have just reconnected with one another post-COVID rahui/lockdown. We hope all our families enjoy a  restful break over the coming 2 weeks, and we will see you again the week starting 20th July.

Our Curriculum Design focus (as in the title above, and located on our 'Curriculum Design Wall' beside the Parent Tins, continues to be the catalyst for our play and learning...

'Who is wise? One who learns form all people'

Canada Day 1st July

This week, our culturally inclusive programme included celebrating 'Canada Day' on the 1st of July, acknowledging the significance of this occassion for Lenora and family. Red and White hearts draped above the Kai Table, as we came together for some hotcakes (piklets), whipped cream and of course - delicious Pure Canadian Maple Sryup - yummy! We gathered on the mat to share some videos on Canada, learning some interesting facts: it is the 2nd largest country in the whole world, more Lakes than the rest of the world combined, and, that Hawaiian pizza was actually invested in Canada!

Caring for others

Our Bread Tag collection continues, as we collate tags to be recycled into planter trays, and the money made from these used to purchase wheelchairs for those in need in South Africa. Mathematics at play on a rainy day, as the children sorted, colour-coded, counted, measured, compared and engaged. The aestheitces of colour coded bread tags enticed the group to discuss and consider the purpose of all these thousands of tags.

Bird Count

This week Antonia posted some information about New Zealand’s Garden Bird Survey Week from the 27th June – 5th July 2020.

What a wonderful opportunity for us all to stop, be still and listen & watch the bird life. The tamariki had a great time observing and marking down the manu they noticed. We even put out some seed to lure them down from the Olive, Apple and Birch trees that surround us. This experience directly links to our current planning and our Kindys eco-nurtured ethos supporting our nga tamariki learning to be mindful, to care for Papatuanuku (the environment) and to share & contribute with and alongside one another. 

The link and resources for the New Zealand’s Garden Bird Survey is on our Facebook page

End of Term Tidy-Up

Thank you so much to all of the Kindy whanau who spent some time at Kindy this week helping us clean! These termly cleans are not only vital to the health and safety of our tamariki, but it also demonstrates to our tamariki the value of working together and leaves us with beautiful looking environments   

Don't you just love what Elysia has done with our tussocks!! They look soo magical!

With the end of the term we have  said farewell to  Joshua Frazer, Jomae Basungit, and Learning Support Leticia Frew from the Kindy whanau.

A special thanks and farewell to Leticia for always going above and beyond for us all here at Kindy. We will miss you!!

We wish everyone a safe and happy term break!! See you all in Term 3 starting Monday 20th July

Nau Mihi, The Teaching Team

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