Friday, February 5, 2021

Term 1 Week 3


Hoki Mai

 Welcome back.  Some of our families are relishing in our 'later summer' & will return next week, when our local schools also return.  A 'light' catch-up BLOG this week as we 'get-back-into' routines. 


Antonia returns in an auxiliary position within her ACC 'return to work' programme - Mon & Wed 8.15am - 12.15pm.  Carol Pikia is relieving ... & will be with us till the end of the term.  Tks for making Carol feel so welcome - a real Winton Kindy trait.  

Kindy AGM

We are just finalising a day/time.  Everyone's contributions (in which ever way you can) are significant & appreciated.  It's what makes KINDY - KINDY!!!  Our thoughts were to 'bring-a-friend' so joining us as a Parent Group participant isn't daunting but WELCOMING.  We'll keep everyone updated with the asaid date.  

Taiao Tuhura

Our 2nd week back with 3 new eco-warriors - Esme, Marley & Harper (who starts next week). Our weekly significance to this local naturalistic-playscape is the cornerstone to our Mauri -  'way of being'.  It continues to allow us to breathe, slow down, wonder, be intrigued & connect as a group of eco-warriors.  

Waitangi Day Celebrations

We've spent this week sharing with our tamariki the significance of Waitangi Day. Our national day of NZ, marks the anniversary of the initial signing of 'Te Tiriti Waitangi' - 6 Feb 1840.

Including the significance of 'identity' - What DOES a flag signify? And why?  Some great considered questions we can ALL reflect on.

And with that DON"T come MONDAY!!!  Enjoy the long weekend - see you all Tuesday.  

The Teaching Team

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