Friday, September 21, 2012

Week 10 Overview...

Wow! Well done to all our fabulous tamariki for their efforts in this year's Winton Spring Flower Show! Today we headed along to the Memorial Hall to view all the entries and to see our work on display. Thank you to all our wonderful parent/grandparent helpers that volunteered their time to come along on our walk. It's great to be able to get out in the community and to share our creativity with the whole of Winton! If you haven't been along, the Show is on all weekend - well worth a visit! Everyone contributed in one way or another...Ripping paper, mixing the gooey gluey concoction, paper mache, painting or bringing in little treasures to stick on to the finished product....Our GIGANTIC daffodil looked amazing and we came away with 2nd Place....We are very proud of our children for a job well done! The dye covered flowers popped with colour against the black backing paper and stood out on the wall of the Memorial Hall...
Amazing Me: Thank you to all those who returned their house/address/ph number sheets for our BIG Kindy address book. DVD3 this week saw some new concepts introduced. It's great to hear the children revisiting the key messages of the DVDs in their play, such as "STOP, THINK AND ACT". Talking about keeping ourself safe popped up a number of times this week with our planned and unplanned (burning the toasties!) fire drills and earthquake drills. The children were alert and confident about procedure and where to head to for our 'safe place'...Have you talked as a family about where your 'safe place' is at home??

Our Resident Artist this week Lily Cameron created this beautiful masterpiece of her teachers. This ties in so nicely with our Amazing Me programme and learning about our bodies and identity...Thank you Lily!

This week we will revisit DVD3 of Amazing Me.
We have the big New Zealand Shake Out on Wednesday @ 9:26am - national earthquake drill.

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