Monday, September 3, 2012

"What if KINDNESS were the only rule?"

Term 3 Programme and Planning..."What if KINDNESS were the only rule?"

Over the term we have been articulating "What does KINDNESS look like?"
On our KINDNESS display at the Kindergarten the children have drawn images they believe depicts what KINDNESS looks like...Images of family, sharing, comforting others, love, helping parents etc were some of the things to come out of this experience...
PARENTS/WHANAU: Come and check it out next time you are dropping off/picking up your child - You may be surprised by the thought that has gone in to the children's responses!

The tamariki have been sharing their thoughts and feelings regarding KINDNESS...
Kaytie said KINDNESS would be when you "play with them and be their friend...And share with them." Well done Kaytie; KINDNESS is thinking about others isn't it?!
Timata shared what KINDNESS looked like to him: "Kindness means you kiss good night."...How very true Timata - KINDNESS is love and affection.
Jack H suggested KINDNESS included taking care of others when they are sad or hurt, saying that KINDNESS could include acts such as "helping Deacon to get better by holding the icepack." Thanks Jack, great idea!
Other ideas included: making gifts for others, being nice to others, singing songs, doing as someone has asked, and being a good friend...

To support the children to become confident in identifying and acknowledging KINDNESS in their environment, the teachers have been reinforcing RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS where ever and when ever these acts may arise...BIG or small; RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS are never wasted effort! The children's self esteem and mana is reinforced each and every time they are recognised as being a KIND caring citizen within the Winton Kindergarten whanau...This sense of empowerment can be seen through the boost in confidence and self-belief that they are indeed a KIND person who understands and appreciates both the giving and the receiving of RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS!!!
KINDNESS: Team work, sharing ideas, listening, having fun!

KINDNESS...Helping a friend to reach their goal!
KINDNESS...A Mother's love
KINDNESS: Working together to care for our environment...
KINDNESS towards people places and things

Our 'Proud of Me' Box on Wednesday afternoons has transformed to include 'Random Acts of Kindness' recognised by both the teachers and the whanau...The children wait in anticipation to see if their name is called out each week and what special message has been written to acknowledge their KINDNESS.
PARENTS/WHANAU: Has your child received a 'Proud of Me' moment this Term?? If not PLEASE feel free to pop one into the box above the sign-in desk over the remainder of the term...The children really do love the feeling of being reinforced that they are a KIND caring person - especially by their parents/whanau!

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