Thursday, May 23, 2013

Week 3 Term 2

This week we welcomed Cohen Davis and Dante Wharf to MTW Group.

Sophie and Logan give Rupert a gentle pat
We also welcomed our new four-legged friend on Tuesday - a pet rabbit! The children had a big discussion at Morning Meeting on Monday about caring for our new friend - awesome! On Wednesday we drew Rupert's name out of the box after the children shared what they would like our bunny to be called. The TF Group shared a story at end of day mat time about Peter Rabbit and all the yummy vegetables he liked to eat out of the garden which gave us some good ideas about what we might be able to feed our rabbit - awesome!

Hamish tucking in Rainbow Bear
On Monday we had Amanda relieving for Judy. Amanda brought with her Rainbow Bear who will be spending the next few days out at Winton Kindergarten learning about our routines, children and teachers. Thank you to all the children who have welcomed Rainbow Bear and shown him around Kindy.

Milly, Ablie, Jessica and Hamish farewelling the gold fish
On Monday we arrived back at Kindy to find one of our Gold fish had passed away. Our student Georgia and a group of children had a big talk about what we could do and they decided to bury the fish in the garden after saying a karakia and farewell. Some children painted pictures to accompany the burial site as well as constructing a cross. The children comforted each other and it was amazing to see and hear the empathy and understanding of loss and grief the children shared. Friendships were so integral at this sad time.

Meeke has kindly offered to come in and support us in our Polyfest quest by singing waiata along to his guitar. The children are very excited about learning new songs in Te Reo and all the actions! Our Kindergartens South Waiata is coming along nicely with the children starting to pick up on some of the words and phrases. This week we have introduced Tohoro Nui (Whale song), reintroduced from last year's Polyfest performance Kapo kapo nga whetu (Twinkle twinkle little star) and other waiata that you will hear over the coming weeks as we learn the lyrics! We also have tshirt templates for the children and their families to create their own designs and return for entering on to the Polyfest 2013 design competition - check your parent pockets next week!

Anita reading to the children
On Wednesday morning we ventured out on our walk down to Alyssa Batt's place to visit her pigs Sour and Pepper. The idea stemmed from giving the children an appreciation of where our food scraps go as part of our sustainability "reduce, reuse, recycle" commitment. The fact that the children place their food scraps in the pig bucket that Alyssa's parents collect for their pigs - why not go and see the pigs that we are feeding - awesome! The children had a great time feeding the pigs bread and cabbage kindly donated by Sienna Hunter's family. Anita shared a story about pigs with the children and showed them their tusks/teeth that the vet had removed while the group ate their morning tea - thank you Anita for the baking delicious! Thank you to all the parents who were able to came along on the day to help out we can't have our "out and abouts" without your support. This was also a fitting opportunity to reiterate our road safety rules from the previous week - "Stop Look Listen and Decide". Everyone had a fabulous time, even in the rain!
Feeding the pigs and sheep

TF Group
This week we welcome Kamryn Sinclair, Tom Collie and Paige Walker to the Group. Everyone had the opportunity to give our new friend Rupert a big cuddle and we have heard lots of discussion around pets and what to do/not to do. The children have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and it's great to hear the children reminding their peers about treating Rupert with kindness.

Welcome Tom Collie and family 

Welcome Kamryn Sinclair to Winton Kindergarten

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