Friday, May 31, 2013

Week 4 Term 2

MTW Group:
We welcome Amelia Young to the MTW Group this week.

Logan with one of the snowman..Before losing his nose!
What fun we had on Tuesday and Wednesday outside making the most of the snow! Great to see so many children with warm jackets, hats, scarfs and gloves - remember there is no such thing as bad weather, learning through the senses is an experience in itself! The children felt the freezing cold snow with their hands, the cold breeze on their cheeks, and the excitement only this white stuff can bring!! We had two snowmen built throughout the day - this took a lot of effort as we transported snow and found objects to dress them in...I wonder where the carrot ended up as when we arrived back on Wednesday morning one of the snowmen was missing his nose!

Albie and Jessica taking shelter from the snow 
Pink Ribbon Morning Tea
Pink Ribbon Morning Tea
On Wednesday Jane Campbell organised a Pink Ribbon Morning Tea to raise money for the Breast Cancer Foundation. Everyone looked amazing dressed in pink - even the boys got on board - tu meke awesome! Jane made pink ribbons for all the children and pledged to donate an extra dollar for every child dressed in pink - thank you Jane. We had Sarina come in and face paint and lots of parents join in on the fun coming dressed in pink and staying for morning tea with the children. We had soooo many pink cupcakes and other pink treats for shared kai - thank you to everyone for supporting the cause.

Sarina face painting on Pink Ribbon Day
Congratulations to Ruby Diack on winning the Pig Colouring In Competition following last week's visit to see the Batt's pigs.

TF Group:
Charlie, Tristin and Tom set off for an early morning shot
We welcome Benjamin Hose to the TF Group this week and Paige Walker who joined us last Friday.
We have a few keen duck shooters getting around the Kindy - you may not have seen these guys as they are well disguised in there camo paint and mai mais! We also supported Pink Ribbon with face painting on Friday and our donations jar available for families to contribute to the cause. Judy and a group of children shared the Ginger Bread Man by Tania Batt and following this Judy asked the children to draw the fox...This was quite interesting lots of great ideas! They also drew what a wish looked like - quite abstract for children, even as adults this is hard to articulate!

Welcome Paige Walker and family

Welcome Benjamin Hose

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