Friday, June 7, 2013

Week 5 Term 2

A lovely short week this week with Queens Birthday on Monday.

Our 3rd year student Georgia McMaster started her 3 week posting with us on Tuesday. We look forward to her input into the programme during her time with us.

BLOG HITS: Congratulations guys we have reached over 5000 hits on the blog - big thanks to all those who have been logging on and keeping up to date with happenings around Kindy! This week we celebrated by handing out Chocolate Bars to families who were able to log on - tu meke/awesome!

An example of a Chinese Dragon Kite 
Polyfest preparation is well underway with lots of Waiata each morning and ideas starting to be confirmed for our Lei and Arts entries. "Kei Raro I Te Moana" is a song about a shark, and also features the line "Taniwha taniwha". While we were learning our "Taniwha" faces the idea came to us to make a huge taniwha to take on stage with us - similar to the Chinese Dragon kite is what we are thinking - Can you help with this project?? We will need lots of volunteers eg. - design concepts, materials, construction...Many hands make light work; and fits wonderfully with the theme for Polyfest 2013 "I am a part of the community; the community is part of me".

MTW Group:
This week we celebrated Max McConnachie and Logan Campbell's Kindy birthdays. Max is heading off to Lochiel School and Logan starts at Winton School next week - Happy School Days to you both!

TF Group:
We welcome Megan Bailey and Alice Henderson to our TF Group this week. The children had a practice Fire Drill and an Earthquake Drill, everyone did a great job following instructions and getting to our safe place beside the fence - Does your child know where your safe place is at home in an emergency?? We celebrated Sienna's 4th Birthday today. Thank you for sharing your birthday cake with us at Morning Tea - delicious!

Welcome Alice Henderson, great to have Dad and Aunty with you on your first day!
Happy Birthday Sienna - What a great job mum did making her FIRST cake - amazing!

Welcome Megan Bailey to our TF Group

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