Friday, June 14, 2013

Week 6 Term 2

Polyfest Art: Self portraits using natural resources
A full on week with FOUR Kindy Birthdays!!! Happy School Days to Idan Aragon, Jorjia Marshall, Charlie and Karta Barnes! This week we have been learning about screen printing and using the paints in ways other than the paintbrush or finger painting. The children have been using leaves to screen print  - looks amazing! On the light box we have the skeleton leaves that the children have worked with to create different patterns as well as taking the time to notice the tiny patterns on each leaf as the light and shadow bring out their individual features. Patterns - something we are really interested in after all our wonderful Polyfest Tshirt Competition entries with Polynesian and Maori designs. Sally took all the entries in last Friday - we wait in anticipation to see how we get on in this category! Our MTW children will be busy over the weekend creating their own self portraits from any natural resources they gather around home/in the community. These are due back my next Wednesday please so that they can be collated for an art entry into Polyfest. Anyone in this group who did not receive their piece of cartridge paper/instructions at end of day mat time on Wednesday please see Christina on Monday - thanks!

Bayden, Kate, and a growing group of children created an animal rescue ship using practically all the blocks and wooden animals in the Kindergarten! The TF Group were sooo impressed that Quilan and Hannah created their own rescue ship beside it before adding to the initial design - wow I wonder what our MTW Group will think when they see the ship on Monday morning!!??

Kia ora Libby Mitchell!
Welcome Jacqlynn Logan to Winton
Welcome to Kindy Elena Gwynn
With lots of birthdays we also have lots of new faces this week. A big warm welcome to Annabelle Chrystall, Jacqlynn Logan, Elena Gwynn, to the MTW Group, and to cousins Kourtney Mitchell and Libby Mitchell in our TF Group.

Annabelle Chrystall meeting Rupert the Rabbit!
Welcome Kourtney and family to Winton Kindy

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