Friday, March 2, 2018

Term 1 Week 7

Ecological Discoveries...

We must look to the past to learn about the future....Fossils!
This Term, Linda and her budding paleontologists have been discussing and researching fossils. On Monday Zoe brought in some of the fossils found at Lucas' Dad's work. Hands on, authentic learning here at Winton Kindy! We introduced some large bones and investigations have began into finding out what these MIGHT belong to...could they be dinosaur bones??.. Conrad certainly thinks so! We look forward to finding out where this interest will take us!

And our Thur/Fri group have also been busy 'fossilling' ...


ECO-SYSTEMS: Life Cycles

Our Life Cycle of the Monarch Butterfly has reached its final stage, discovering on Monday that three of our beautiful Butterflies have died. We are showing them lots of respect, and learning more about them as we are now able to take a closer look a their wings, patterns and biology using our digital microscope in the Project Room.

The Life Cycle of the Eel - Forest Kindy/Taiao Tuhura
Millie's Mum, Shelley, shared with us recently, that she spotted an eel in the stream that runs through Ivy Russell Reserve... We wonder, has anyone else seen the eel?!?! And does any of our whanau have some suggestions on how to trap the eel for a closer look - we'd love to hear from you!

On Tuesday, using Lochlain's Map and Net, we made our way down to the stream where we hoped for and waited in anticipation to see the mysterious eel. Back at Kindy, we are beginning to research more about the eel and share our insights with the wider group. With the change of seasons, we wonder what else we might discover on our Forest Kindy days!

The Life Cycle of the Honey Bee - Bruce Yates
Queen Bee...
Just some of the Eco-Literature we have been using this week as we learn about the importance of the Honey Bee for ALL our Eco-systems...Did you know we need the Honey bee to help our flowers, fruits and veges to grow??!! We wonder - what else can you share with us about the Honey Bee? On Wednesday, we were fortunate to have Bruce Yates from the Southland Bee Society join us with his working hive display - taking our prior knowledge, adding this unique hands on experience, and creating opportunities for further curiosity, meaning-making and questions to unfold!

Cultivation - Mmmm Crab Apple Juice!

On Monday the group picked some of our Crab Apples from the Tree beside the sandpit, after noticing how heavy the branches looked, drooping downwards with ruby red crab apples. These were washed and the stalks cut, ready for the pot. 2 days later and we had a different looking concoction - mmm Crab Apple Juice - scoring a massive 20/20 from the taste testers - EVERYONE LOVED OUR KINDY GROWN CRAB APPLE JUICE! We look forward to trying out some other crab apple recipes at Kindy - do you have one to share with our chefs??!!

And to end our week (today) our SVA (Student Volunteer Army) from Limehills School captivated the group by sharing some 'Eco-literate' stories & story telling through the imagery of shadows ...

Wow ... again a busy week indeed!!!  Have a great weekend everyone!

The Teaching Team

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