Friday, June 1, 2018

Term 2 Week 5

Our Polytest Journey
Ecological Adventures - Korero with Central Southland College Principal Mr Grant Dick and Taiao Tuhura Discovering Nature children... Following along our Polyfest journey, we emailed CSC to ask permission to erect a sign to share our story of the Takitimu Mountains. This was discussed at there Baord of Trustee Meeting last Tuesday, where the Board "Agreed in principle" to our request. A Meeting was then arranged for Mr Dick to share this with us, so we came along to the meeting very eager to have our vision progress. Starting with an offering of Hot Chocolates and Biscuits set the scene for a very productive hui - with Mr Dick sharing the school crest resembling the Mountains, and the children retelling the legend. For us, having the children drive our Project, attend and participate in the meeting, and build their sense of pride and ownership of retelling this important story is so powerful. A personal connection to our mountains - a sense of ecological identity and whakapapa.

We left our productive hui and ventured into Ivy Russel Reserve...and guess what!!?  The Taki's were waiting so clearly in the distance, layered in thick pearly white snow.  WOW!! What a way to inspire us even more!

And as we continue on this journey, we are finding many exciting pathways...the end product is not our priority, and because of this, we are open to having our vision adapted as each new piece of information or amazing idea comes to light. The variations and versions of the Legend are exciting, and posing more questions than answers at times. Because of this, we want to ensure our sign/installation does justice for the many people that have contributed thus far. Stripping back the layers and focusing on the heart of the matter is becoming our guiding light as we navigate this extensive project. What do we want the community to get out of this? With this perspective, we are wondering about creating the unturned waka Takitimu as an installation. Antonia visited Oti at Te Taonga Mauri - The Living Treasure to discuss this further.  Oti shared inspiring guidance and ideas.  What Maori designs would represent our story?  How would we create an upturned waka...and how big!?  With our vision becoming a collaboration between us all, including nga tamariki, whanau & local community, we're aspiring for our sign/installation to be a collaborative effort too,  We hope for our collaborative work to be guided by Oti and his team...something to be proud of & remember forever!

Maori Designs & Carvings
On Wednesday we explored waka designs and the information, stories & whakapapa they may represent. Nga tamariki shared their own waka designs, inspired by beautiful Maori Koru patterns/designs & our famous kindy Mountain...the Taki's!  These designs will be proudly displayed at kindy & explored further next week.

Shared Storytelling
Shahn retold her version of the Takitimu Legend using the overhead projector and props - created by our Limehill Student Volunteers & tamariki.  This created a magical 'light & shadow' show for our Thursday/Friday group to enjoy.  Shahn only charged $10! What a bargain!

We've started to explore what 'Matariki' is and how it can be celebrated.  Next week we'll share more on this. Check out Matariki youtube clips online to learn more...and of course celebrate together!

The Teaching Team

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