Friday, March 15, 2019

Term 1 Week 8

Happy 60th Winton Kindergarten!!
Thanks to our whanau & tamariki for dressing up and joining us for our special milestone of providing quality education for 60 years! Our 60's inspired day was filled with delicious food, fashion designing and 60's music & dancing.  On Wednesday afternoon nga tamariki enjoyed relaxing after a busy morning by reading an e-story book of an old classic book; Thumbelina!  We're looking forward to continuing the celebrations with more of our whanau & friends on Sunday - Please RSVP to our 'Picnic in the Park' Facebook event if you haven't done so already.

60's celebrations continued on Friday! Check out our 60's rock-star dancers!

Monday Morning Hui/Meeting
Arriving at kindy on Monday morning it was surprise for some tamariki to see there were no butterflies in their net! Getting everyone up to date during our 'Monday Morning Hui' nga tamariki, who were at kindy on Friday, explained how we had to act fast as kaitiakitangi and release our butterflies to ensure their survival, thanks for your help Ebony. "I wonder where they have gone?" Benji asked.  Great conversation starter Benji! "They've gone to England!" Ava stated!  Lots of ideas of where our butterflies will be enjoying themselves, 'I wonder if we'll see our butterflies again?'
Continuing with our morning hui, Olivia & Ella were invited to fulfill the empowering role of Kaiawhina - 'Guiding helpers/problem solvers/negotiators' for the rest of our tamariki who were seeking help. Kaiako redirect children seeking assistance to a more capable child who can help them 'tuakana teina'.

Royal Cam Update 
On Tuesday nga tamariki noticed two moving objects on the big screen, it wasn't 'Mum & Dad Albatross'... it was two people!! We uncovered that these two people from the Department of Conservation were much like Kaitiaki/guardians of the baby chick.  The Kaitiaki slowly walked towards the baby chick, trying not to scare him/her and then gently placed the chick into a basket to weigh the baby chick to ensure s/he was healthy.  A display of true Kaitiakitangi (stewardship) that nga tamariki could relate to as many have pets they care for at home too.

Ka kite ono beloved goldfish
Our worried Kaitiaki shared their concerns for the "sick fish" they noticed struggling to swim on Wednesday afternoon.  "How can we help?"  Our appreciative responses "fish medicine" & "take him to the doctor". Unfortunately arriving back to kindy on Thursday morning it was discovered the fish had died!  We recalled reasons why we thought our two butterflies may have died & perhaps our goldfish too had not eaten enough/eaten too much & was able to keep themselves healthy.  We're sure Hunter Elder will be able to advise us with his fish expertise on Monday.
Thanks to Alex, Ava and our SVA group: Danny, Josh, Tahlia & Ester for your contributions for delivering a respectful ceremony as we said our final ka kite/goodbye to our goldfish.

Taiao Tuhura Nature Discover Group
Our Kaitiaki/guardians have been busy creating signs to proudly present their 'special places' with whanau, friends & visitors for our 'Picnic in the Park' celebrations on Sunday.  With the birthday celebrations in mind, nga tamariki set to work at revamping the 'Dragon's Nest' weaving flax around sticks with the help of Dad's; Josh Sherratt, Gilbert Lao & Guy Legg, great team work!!

See you on Sunday to share this special occasion with you all!

The Teaching Team

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