Friday, August 7, 2020

Term 3 Week 3

Navigating Otherness ... a multicultural appreciation of our learning community.

Or cultural diffusion (the exchange & flow of ideas (anthropologically) continues -   These ideals are the very ordinary & yet an extraordinary source of endless human vitality, cultural awareness & acceptance. 'Navigating Otherness' is the analogy we have scripted as a provocation in a collective constructivism approach  as we research to define our multiculturedness & our cultural praxis.

Our thoughts turn to the symbols, design & patterns in a cultural intrigue approach.  Pattern & patterning is a regularity of the world. Our senses directly observe patterns - visually - widespread in nature & in art. For us ... there significance is within cultural identity. This week we've introduced illumination, colour & texture.

Parent Group get together  ...

A great get-together on Thur ... tks to EVERYONE who was able to come along.  Things discussed included the continuum of Lunch Boxes & Drink Bottles & Whanau Night.  A HUGE tks to Toni Mills for all your invaluable contributions - we await your wonderful support again when Mason joins us.  Keep an eye out in our Winton Kindergarten Closed Group - Facebook posts for more Parent Group - Whanau Night details. Keep Fri 11 Sept free!!!

The LOVE of Autumnness

Autumn is arguably one of the most beautiful times of the year, as for a few fleeting weeks we are able to bear witness to the glorious transformation of our world. The leaves of trees as they shift through the hues of deep greens, burnt oranges, vibrant reds & flowing yellows. The sun begins to set earlier in the evening, affording us time to observe the transition from day to evening, even the sunlight itself seems to have a different hue to it.  Take time to notice the beauty of Autumn that is so often missed in the bustle of daily life. Next time you are 'out n about' capture some images that epitimoise 'Autumnness' & send them to us!  These images are wonderful ways to provoke 'rich dialogue'.

Tks to the Taiaio Tuhura group who collected these beautiful BIG leaves this week!!!

The leaf silhouettes continue to be a provocation of both intrigue & narrative. We've been busy reinventing our leaf images through our illuminated sketch pad in the Project Room - looking more deeply into the detail of leaves & leaf compensation!

Taiao Tuhura

A farewell to Annabelle as she heads off to school - the oldest ripple on our Waka.  Share your Kaitiakatanga with all your Winton School friends Annabelle - Kia haha.

The intrigue of those HUGE leaves ... Why do trees loss their leaves?  Which tree have they come from? How many leaves does a tree make?  Why are there different coloured leaves?  Some wonderful insightful questions to ask our 'Guardians'?  Check out our slideshow - back @ Kindy -  with more memorial pics!!!

What can one say about our mighty Takitimu Mountains - just MAJESTIC!!!                                        Their presence, stature & guidance are captured by our Taiao Tuhura participants this week!

Ko Takitimu te Maunga

So on that MAJESTIC note ... have a GREAT weekend - see you all next week.
Judy on behalf of the Teaching Team

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