Friday, August 27, 2010

Daffodil Day - 27th August 2010

Wowee!! What a fabulous group of families we have at Winton Kindergarten. The children looked absolutely awesome in their Yellow gears, and then there was that amazing morning tea!! It continues to blow Judy and I away with the imagination and inspiration that our Mums, Dads and children have when it comes to the food bought in for morning tea on these special days...A BIG thanks to everyone!!!
Children were just buzzing today and Matthew Gill, our chief photographer managed to capture lots of photos of everyone in their Yellow. Take a minute on Monday to check out all the pics on the big screen if you missed seeing them today. They are very cool.
We had daffodil painting, daffodils made with clay and we sat down at mat-time and made our very own daffodils to take home, they are the best type of water necessary.
Gifted to the children today also were their very own daffodil bulb to take home and nurture. Who knows, next year you may even have your very own daffodil to care for.
Another big thanks for the gold coin donation, a total of $31 was raised for the Cancer Society...Cheers!!
Have a great weekend everybody!! Let's hope the sun keeps shining it's little heart out.
Kylie and Judy.

P.S. For all our afternoon families...we look forward to seeing you all here at 1:15 on Monday afternoon with their gumboots, jackets and something for afternoon tea. The bus will be leaving at 1:30pm SHARP. Parents if you could toilet your child on arrival, we would really appreciate it to ensure we head off and make the most of the trip. Thanks all, Kylie


Phillippa said...

Looks like you had a great time on Friday at your Daffodil day, well done everyone - great to see the photos up on the blog, thanks.

Phillippa said...

Thank you Judy for letting me take the photos on your camera. Thank you for giving me those real bulbs & I love you Judy. From Matthew Gill