Thursday, August 12, 2010

Let's find out how this camera works....

Many of the children in our afternoon session have begun to take in interest in the digital cameras and how they work. Recently we have been getting many requests from children to use the camera, and I must say some are getting very savvy with using the functions. Sam, Matthew M, Malachi and Karl have taken a very strong interest and today along with Olivia and Maggie they found a brand new feature!!
On Monday Charlie bought in some tadpoles that he found in an old water tank at his house (thanks Charlie!!). They have been making themselves at home in our perspex tank outside this week. Karl was using the camera on Wednesday, taking photos of a variety of things outside and I asked if he could take some photos of the Tadpoles, "Sure", he said and away he clicked.
Great skills Karl!! However, the children have shown a great deal of intrigue with the tadploes wriggly tales so I suggested we take a movie. "What's a movie", Malachi asked. So I proceeded to show him how the camera can also capture the picture while it's moving.
When the movie began, Malachi and Matthew (who had come to see what all the fuss was about) became more interested in the movie itself, rather than the Tadpoles, check it out....

There were hooked, I asked if they would like to take their own movie...."YEAH", Malachi agreed, and we had also attracted the attention of Olivia, Maggie and Josh!! The next step was to think about what they would like their movie to be about...dancing, singing, talking etc???

Here's what they came up with....

Sam wasn't too keen to be in the movie so I asked if he would like to capture the movie children and he quickly agreed, here it is (not too bad for his first time too I must say!!),

Technology is sooo amazing and continues to astound me as it has such a powerful effect on children's learning. What they were able to accomplish in a matter of minutes was fabulous and being able to share it will you all on here can only be described as brilliant!! I hope you have enjoyed your children's time in the limelight. I look forward to more movie making in the future, you never know we could have the future Peter Jackson or Steven Speilberg right here at Winton Kindergarten.....

That's us for now,

Kylie and Judy

1 comment:

The Todd family said...

What a great show! Loved watching it. Well done kids!