Friday, August 27, 2010

It's Bath Time....

As part of our All about me programme that we are running for the morning group this term, we have been talking lots about getting ourselves dressed and making sure we keep our bodies nice and clean. The children have really taken this on board and share with us with pride when they have managed to get dressed 'all by myself!!'
To extend this further, Judy invited Aimee and Riley (Dylan Diack's Mum and baby brother) into the Kindergarten to share Riley's bath time with us. The children were in awe....and Riley just loved all the attention from the children!! Something tells me Riley quite likes his bath time. He very patiently waited while Mum gave him a wash, and then many of the Kindergarten children lined up for a turn to help wash Riley too. What a cool dude he is, not even a grizzle!!
Many of the chidlren shared that they hadn't seen a baby being bathed before and Bryant wanted to know if Riley liked to dive under the water like he did in his bath at home? Maybe in a few more years Bryant.
A big thank you again to Aimee and Riley and also to Dylan for sharing Mum and that super cool baby brother of yours.
This week our morning group All About Me video has focused on how cool everybodies family is, and also how very different they can be. The sock family have also made an appearance, what a big family they are. We would love if you and your child could bring along some photos of your family to add to our Kindergarten family tree and also on 'old' sock from home so we can make some of our own sock characters too. Thanks muchly!!
Kylie and Judy

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