Friday, August 19, 2016

Term 3 Week 4

Please click on this link to view: Head Teachers Report - Parent Group meeting Wed 17 Aug

Please click on this link to view: Winton Kindy Newsletter - Fri 19 Aug

A warm welcome to Eva Rook and family.

This week nga tamariki from our MTW Group had our first full dress rehearsal - wow don't the new Kakahaka Kakahu/Polyfest Uniforms look AMAZING!! Notices re our trip to Invercargill to perform on the 30th of August will be out on Monday. This is a huge day for us and we are so proud of all the children for their efforts. We will be visiting the Southland Museum & Art Gallery to see our Waka on display alongside all the other Polyfest Art Finalists. Everyone is warmly encouraged to pop along and support us, we will be onstage at 11:45am approx. - gold coin entry into the Stadium.

'Titiro mai! He aha tenei' is one of our Polyfest songs which has a wonderful ecological awareness of  our Te aitanga pepeke - the insect world.    Jaclyn McIntyre this week has represented - from the song/story - ngata - snail through the wonderful kinestethic & naturalisticness  of clay!!!


Jaclyn's representation of He ngata (snail) tena!

The group headed off the beaten track and embarked on an adventure of discovery and wonder...the pink "Puzzle Tree" and the Monkey's Nest (that we sat under to eat our morning tea).
Can you help us?? We are investigating what type of tree we have found
We wonder...Who lives in this house??
Raiden and Lilly take a closer look...We wonder what they will find?!?
Cooper driving his American Mustang Ute through the mud...see below!

Move over Rudd Kleinspaste - Winton Kindy has the next "Bug Man" identity - Charlie Hawkins! Charlie's representation of the wolf spiders ... 'googly eyes' is indeed distinctively captured in his portrait.

Recently, Cooper and his Dad headed off on a boys Wellington to pick up a new truck and boat! Ever since this special weekend, we have heard LOTS of engines and 4WD-ing around the tracks outside. Cooper's strong petrol-head identity has become iconic within his group of peers, and now the wider MTW Group have climbed onboard for the ride! Mud racing at Forest Kindy for our 4WD Kings and Queens made for some serious scrubbing of the wet weather gear at home later that evening!

Cooper sharing his American Mustang Ute photos with us

ROSS & RAEWYN - WINTON LIBRARY...Last Friday the children decided to take on the identities of  Local Library Sensation "Ross and Raewyn" during Te Wananga time - playing instruments, singing, and reading stories to the group.Thank you Pouroa, Hunter, Olivia, Raiden, Cooper, Max and Isla!

Wow ... it has indeed been a busy week.  Next week we continue our MTW group kapa haha practice along with supporting childrens sense of identity throughout the programme through our Pedagogy of Listening! Listening to children's conversations, questioning to further gain meaning & listening with  our eyes!!!

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