Friday, March 10, 2017

Term 1 Week 8

Please click on the link to view this week's newsletter

Happy School Days to Greta Hartley (Limehills School) and Tyrone Bradin-Sparks (Winton School).

This week nga tamariki have been getting very creative in the kitchen - BLUEberry smoothies, BLUEberry muffins, BLUEberry cheesecakes! Yummy! Measuring, counting, following a recipe, turn-taking, experimenting, reaction, anticipation, and of course the all-important task of taste testing - hands on with our mathematical and scientific learning!

Forest Kindy
Tyrone and Greta led us in to the heart of the forest...what would we find?? Hollow trees where sap and fairies lived, the Three Little Pigs House, pretending to be fish in the stream for Greta's Mum to catch with her rod, hearing a loud "BANG BANG BANG!!!" and then to our surprise finding Alice's Dad fixing the Shelter - all in the day's fun at Ivy Russell Reserve!

Sharon Holt Show - Children's Te Reo Book Author
On Wednesday afternoon we headed to the Presbyterian Church to try out our singing voices and flash dance moves with Sharon, Alan and Sophie Holt. They shared 6 te reo action songs with us as we listened and watched on with excitement and laughter!

The Albatross Cam
Wow, take a moment to view the baby chick at the Albatross Colony - growing sooo big!

A special parcel from Hayley arrived @ Kindy on Wednesday - it was a big thank you to the children and teachers! We wish Hayley well with her new position at Elsie Street Kindergarten - you will be missed!

All the best to everyone who have entered in the Surf to City!!!

The Teaching Team

1 comment:

Winton Kindergarten said...

Hmmmm ... those blueberry treats were soooo delicious! Did anyone make some Blueberry treats @ home?

The Teaching Team