Friday, March 17, 2017

Term 1 Week 9

Happy Kindy Birthday to Eva Coveney who is off to Winton School next week!!

                         Mmmmmmm ...  Crab Apples!!!
The Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Group have been keeping themselves busy this week as they have harvest, cut & soaked crab apples from our very own Kindy Crab Apple tree.  Here's a challenge - see if you can find it?  We've created Crab Apple juice and Crab Apple Crumble!!  The children once again revisited their mathematical knowledge as they followed the recipe measuring and mixing the different ingredients together. This experience not only promoted working together but also sparked an interest of photosynthesis and how plants grow, get nutrients and survive without US.

                                     Where Do Stories Live?
This week we introduced a new resource all the way from Italy.  Judy brought back these super imposed slides from the 'NZ Intensive Study Tour' in Reggio Emilia bookshop (Northern Italy),  Oct last year.  Each slide can be placed on top of another, provoking children to construct and de-construct images & create stories in the process of storymaking.

                               Once upon a time there was an old moon ...

                            What is Photosynthesis?
The children have beeen intrigued by this word.  This provocation came from the children, in their conversations as they notice the change in colour of the leaves, especially in the broadleaf (climbing) tree beside the swings.  Shiny shiny, green leaves, with a sprinkling of yellow leaves & brown leaves on the ground. What's made the leaves change their colour?  What is photosynthesis?  The process by which plants and other things make foodIt is a chemical process that uses sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into sugars the cell can use as energy. 

To explore these ideas we have been discussing what we believe plants need to grow. Soil, sunlight, and water were some of the main ideas the tamariki came up with. To demonstrate how plants can eat/drink their food we did our own scientific research using white flowers and different coloured dye. We hypothesised and voted what we believed would happen, and this was the result of our experiment.....

                                     Forest Kindy 
A warm welcome to Bradley to the Nature Discovery group!!
The tamariki had another amazing time at Ivy Russell Reserve where they found some painted rocks. Where have they come from?  If you get an opportunity ... flick into the Reserve for a very naturalistic scavenger hunt.

                                The Luck of the Irish!!
We had a fabulous day today as we celebrated St Patricks Day with shamrock painted faces and some green clothing!! We all came together today and had a go at some Irish Dance as we had some YouTube clips playing throughout the day to inspire our moves. This day has fallen perfectly to provoke our thinking into our 'Culture Night' next Wednesday 22nd March 5pm - 7pm organised by our Parent Group. All of our Kindy families are invited to come along with a plate of food from your culture to share. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Have a great weekend everyone ... relish these wonderful Autumn days - getting out an about & enjoying some family time!  See you all next week.

Ka kite ano
The Teaching Team

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