For our Curriculum Design Group Learning Focus for the year, we pose the following question: "What if we lived our lives as if nature mattered?"
Currently, the Life Cycle of the Butterfly is exposing us to new eco-terminology..."Metamorphosis"...What does this mean? Have a chat with your child about their ideas on what is taking place inside our four chrysalis! 'Are they alive? How do they know what to become? LOTS of things to consider!
Be sure to check out our Winton Autumn Flower Show Group Entry in the Project Room, as it too takes on the same metamorphosis process, changes and growing each day! This will be on display next Thur/Fri at the Memorial Hall. Our Thur/Fri Group will 'pop' along to the Memorial Hall (Fri 16 Feb) to both view our own entry & those of others. Everyone else is most welcome to visit the Flower Show at their own leisure - how special to have the chance to showcase our children's creativity within our local community! Just as a friendly reminder ... Thur/Fri families have you signed our consent form to allow us to? If not please see Antonia, Linda or Judy.
And, as we continue to uphold the importance of providing delicious and nutritious food choices for our busy eco-warriors - we have planned a trip to our local Blueberry Country Farm at Otautau! Some of us have been lucky enough to visit there during the Break with our families, so we look forward to seeing our "experienced pomologists" sharing their knowledge with the rest of the group!
Which leads us to another one of our MANY ponderings... "Where does our food come from?" Again - an insightful and thought provoking question to share with your family around the Dinner Table!
Our recent "drought" status had re-focused us to consider our water-usage here at may have noticed the beautiful glass drink dispenser to help us pour 'just' the right amount of water to drink. Also, we noticed that our AirCon unit was dripping a continual flow of droplets of water ... drip drip drop! As all ecowarriors are aware - it was an ideal opportunity to collect these droplets for our gardens ... which we did! We love to hear some thoughts on a sustainable water collection station for our sandpit - please share your ideas with us - we truly are a Community of Learners here at Winton Kindy and so any advice or expertise in this area is always greatly appreciated!!
Taiao Tuhura
No Taiao Tuhura (Nature Discovery) this week - Waitangi Day ... but we wanted to share this new resource we have purchased. A beautifully illustrated limited addition 'nature' orientated prose by Jackie Morris & Robert Macfarlane ... Robert McFarlane is a word-collector & mountain climber - and he has three young children, who have taught him more about the world than any book. Take a minute to meander through this book ... it is indeed an alphabetical pictorial delight!What do blueberries taste like?
Thur/Fri children have have been indulging in some blueberry delights this morning. Now ... what DO blueberries taste like? 'Well they taste juicy. I think they grow on a plant. You can make blueberry cake I think ... Oh then you could put blueberries on top - YUM. They come from seeds I think ... hmmm they need water, soil, rain & sun to grow'. What great 'thinking' April White - tis for sharing your wonderful descriptive & biological growth interpretations with us.
Now what else can we make with blueberries?
We look forward to finding out "Where do blueberries come from?'' through our upcoming excursion to Otautau Blueberry Country.
Have you taken a moment to contribute to our Community Consultation ... it is an opportunity to contribute your ideals & ideology as we revisit our Winton Kindy Philosophy & Vision!
Have a great weekend everyone. As the Winter Olypmics are just around the corner (on the other side of the globe), we can enjoy these last few weeks of Summer!
The Teaching Team
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