Friday, February 15, 2019

Term 1 Week 4 11-15th Feb

Metamorphosis....our changing caterpillars...our changing perspectives

This week we arrived at Kindy to find just one caterpillar left waiting to take refuge inside its chrysalis before the process of metamorphosis unfolds before our eyes. We introduced the time-lapse of The Life Cycle of the Monarch Butterfly - LOTS of discussion around the "hows" "whys" and the magic that must take place in order for the caterpillar to change itself into a butterfly! We wait in anticipation for this "change" to take place at Kindy! Using scientific literacy with our children supports their growing understanding of the world around us...We wonder...what other examples of metamorphosis can you share with us??? Leave us a comment or link in the FB thread for further investigation by the group.

The Albatross
This week we have had some of our first glimpses at the baby chick! On Wednesday Hunter L and Hunter E watched as the parent fed the chick. This looked rather difficult being a process of beak-to-beak...making us appreciate having the use of hands, mouth and teeth to eat as humans, "Yeah, they can't even use their wings either!" Hunter E remarked. With the live feed being close enough to touch, the children noticed their shadows come to life on the screen - working with light and shadow to give the appearance of patting the albatross, flying beside the albatross and being an albatross!

Again, the catalyst of the Albatross Cam live feed (on our big screen daily), is prompting reflections and questions around other species, life cycles, eggs, "How do birds KNOW how to fly?"...profound, and as always in early childhood - there are far more questions than answers!
But to question, to ask, to imagine, to make connections, to wonder, to think...that is to be a passionate life long learner.

Taiao Tuhura Discovering Nature...
This week we welcomed Ava into the group, with leaders Skylar and Charlie M taking us to the
"Noodle Tree"! Can you guess how it got it's name!!?? 

Morning tea at "The Three Little Pigs House" where Rhydel noticed a "Broken Cat" lying helplessly on the Forest Floor. This was rescued and brought back to Kindy for Rhydel and his imagination to make the necessary repairs to the cat in our dedicated Project Room - a space where creativity comes alive!

Joining around the Takitimu Waka we shared the Legend of the Takitimu Mountains with the help of our QR Code Scanner. Listening to our old/past Kindy friends retell the Legend brought back memories of this special time - with the children bursting in to impromptu waiata/song - Tutiri Mai Nga Iwi - coming together as one - which was very touching.
If your family hasn't visited our special Installation, do take the time on these beautiful sunny days to go for a stroll through Ivy Russell Reserve and find our carved Waka - comment in this Facebook post with your pics beside our Waka and download a QR Code Scanner so that you too can enjoy the Legend with whanau. 

Blueberry Picking on Monday the 18th
Nga tamariki are looking forward to our outing on Monday to Blueberry Country near Otautau in Western Southland. Cultivating fresh produce to feed healthy bodies and minds is crucial for us all - especially so in our first years of life...Learning where our food comes from promotes these values...we can't wait to munch our way around the rows of blueberries- hopefully some will end up in the bucket for us to bring back to Kindy too! Please share your favourite blueberry recipes with us we'd love to get creative in the kitchen! If any whanau have an abundance of fresh produce, or something unique and interesting for us to try - this is always greatly appreciated...As we learn about new and exciting foods our understanding, perspectives and taste buds explode - learning through all the senses! 

And as always, we love sharing our day with whanau...if you have something interesting to bring in to share with the group; a skill or craft you'd be happy to teach us; or even a lovely grandparent who'd enjoy (as much as the children would)  connecting with us over a storybook - please speak to one of the teaching team - we'd love to hear from you. 

Winton Autumn Flower Show
Our senses were alive ... the floral aroma as we entered our local Memorial Hall  was mesmerising.  Not only did we get to be apart of this community event but we also got to show/share our ataahua - naturalistic representations - stone caterpillar creations.   This was a great opportunity for us to explore and get involved, strengthening our learning partnership with our community. Our entry gained FIRST Place - Yahoo!  A BIG thank you to all of our whanau for making themselves available, these excursions are not possible without you!!


Our Award Winning entry!

Winton Kindergarten Parent Group AGM: Thursday 21st Feb at 7pm 

Your Winton Kindy Teaching Team

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